Blackface Video: Albright College

Katherine Koretski
The Divide
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2016

By Sam Hooker

See our full article about the 11 blackface selfies and videos posted this fall.

On Oct. 3, two women attending Albright College in Reading, Penn., posted a video to Snapchat that was recorded in a dormitory.

The video showed a white woman in full blackface and in an Albright College t-shirt, who referred to herself as Carlesha, impersonating black people and saying “Black lives matter now, f*** white people.”

CoolLikeMiles, via YouTube

It also contained continuous laughter and dancing by the woman in blackface. The president of Albright College, Lex McMillan III, suspended the two students pending further investigation on Sept. 30, according to a post on the university’s Facebook page.

Thomas Durso, who is in charge of college relations at Albright College, confirmed what President McMillan stated in an email on Oct. 31, and said, “The current status of the incident is that it is being adjudicated through the College’s community standards process.”

A senior at Albright College, Niani Marz, said in an article from the Associated Press, “I feel like there’s a disconnect between our community. We’re so diverse, yet we know nothing about each other. And I want us to be more united and understanding.”

According to Albright College’s website, “Our undergraduate student body comes from 21 states and 14 countries. Including our international students, 33 percent of students identify as a racial or ethnic minority.”

