A Feverish Day in Modern Times

Unpopular opinion. Sorry if you don’t like it.

Hanan A.S.
The Doodeh Life
2 min readJan 13, 2024


Image by myfriso from Pixabay

On Friday morning, I woke up shuddering with a fever.

After Fajr, I lay in bed for a whole hour contemplating whether I should just take some medicine, get up & go to work or just be kind to myself & rest. Around 7 AM, through the fog of headache and fever, a question rang loud in my mind:

If I got up and dragged my body through 9 hours of corporate joy, what will I gain? Will it affect the business?


Except feeling worse, I gain nothing. And the business will go on merrily without a hitch if I dropped dead, not just took a day off. So I just applied for a sick leave, turned off my alarm and curled in bed, willing the pounding in my head to subside, thinking...

If this world were safe, I would be home, running my own business, working on my own terms…but it isn’t. I have to be Awad not Hanan. What horrible times.

My name is Hanan, not Awad 😒 don’t treat me like a bro, life.

I am all for empowering females to be able to stand on their own, it’s important. But I think we’re doing it wrong. This is dangerous. You want to argue? I bet you never took a life-threatening fall in your apartment with nobody around or had to work while sick because some idiot needs a 1+hour long meeting to help them understand something they shouldn’t have been hired if they didn’t know in the first place.

Screw modern life. I want to buy a farm, hire help, get a cow and some chickens and plant potatoes until I die.




Hanan A.S.
The Doodeh Life

What remains of a Human Female. Digital Product Designer. Bookworm.