<•>Business Analysis and Consulting for Startups and Entrepreneurs:- 🌐👩🏻‍💼🏭🏢<•>

Dona Ghosh Dastidar
The Early Bird’s Club
9 min readAug 13, 2021

📌Started working under any business task can be a little bit complex with so many unknown factors for consideration as a new entrepreneur or startup. Thus, business analysis and consulting services basically provides a greater assistance for the newer ventures.

Having a bit of expert advice available can significantly improve the chances of success towards the business goals. Setting as a business startup, consulting services come with a certain number of invaluable benefits for the company. Whenever anyone is starting a new business, most entrepreneurs do not have the expertise across all the areas of their business platforms. Necessary tasks for starting a business platform can be a little bit accomplished successfully and more efficiently with a certain amount of help. Startups basically have a complex job ahead and after their legal business structure is in a certain position, the business owners have to arrange a large range of areas for business success. Thus, the business startup consulting services help us with these areas since they provide much-needed support for entrepreneurs, startup firms, and partners. There are numerous services for a new venture that has to contract out to get done. Good vendors are basically required for accomplishing the key tasks with basic quality. The business start-up consulting services can be of great value here. Business startup consulting firms like the BCA basically allow the support clients with the best quality vendors for the business services such as logo design, website design, e-commerce, marketing services, technology customization, and much more. Entrepreneur consulting services basically help on the certain executing key tasks, managing processes, and specific work projects, vendor relationships, quality assurance, etc. Start-up business consultants are basically expertise temporarily on the staff as well as team members that deliver value from the very beginning of the company. It is very much important for a business owner or startup for taking the business consultant’s advice at this stage as constructive criticism. The owner should not take this criticism personally, as the business consultant brings objectivity and a fresh viewpoint. The owner may be personally close to the business, which can be an obstacle to positive change and growth. The owner should have feedback and provide opinions to the business consultant, which the business owner should consider and revise plans as necessary. As the owner and the consultant agree on a certain plan, the consultant should enter the third phase of consulting. This is the restructuring phase or the implementation of the plan. In this phase, the consultant builds on assets and eliminates liabilities and by monitoring the planning progress and adjust it as much needed. Thus, entrepreneurial consultants basically wanted to be their own boss by realizing their maximum potential, helping others, working directly with their clients, taking certain bigger risks, having a flexible schedule, or experiencing unlimited income of their business platform.

Business analysts basically bring out both the business ideas and business capabilities for allowing optimizing of the business process. The role of a business analyst in a startup business is very much important since it allows anyone to get a certain influence and allowing to make decisions on certain key processes for the business platform. Business analysts are very much responsible for creating new business models which basically support the business decisions by working closely with financial reporting and various IT teams for establishing certain initiatives and strategies for improving their import and optimizing costs. As startup platforms are very much in the evolving state, the business analyst regularly appraises their startup performance and helps for achieving the product-market vital for the startup success. Thus, the business analysts have a broad set of responsibilities because it is essential for clarifying any of the business ideas for determining which of the direction is basically needed for choosing in order to meet the client’s expectations and basically the business analyst assures a complishment of the development outcomes within a customer’s business goals. During the whole development process in the business, the business analyst receives certain feedbacks from the stakeholders and ensures that the product is developing according to the basic data applied. Working as an entrepreneur is a difficult challenge for certain business analysts since, the entrepreneur is comfortable for working off the benefits of the product or service offering but the business analyst feels compelled for disclosing its limitations. A business analyst can be good partner for an entrepreneur because business analyst basically comes up with good solutions for implementing off the bad ideas in the business platform.

Importance of Consulting and Business Analysis for the business platform:-

  • In the current business environment, it is important that the businesses need to stand out by tightening their operations, and increasing their revenues while keeping their business expenses low. Since many of the businesses usually struggle for staying ahead of the competition, the business operations are more than enough for keeping their management busy in certain smaller businesses. Hiring a consultant basically allows the business firms for paying only for the services they required rather than investing in pricey technologies or paying for keeping staff on hand that may not always be needed and also allowing cost benefits associated with a lack of taxes, the need to pay benefits, or human resources issues that are associated with hiring a new full-time employee. They also provide an objective viewpoint, which allows for more diverse ideas other than those provided solely by the employees within the organization. Many companies basically consider the advantages of the level of expertise that can be brought by a consultant as well as how they could benefit from having an established strategic plan.
  • Business analysis is an essential tool that can provide insights and practical solutions to cut costs. Technological advancement has given way to new marketing strategies and business problems. Business analysis can better understand what we are facing, thus providing us with an advantage and a better chance of succeeding in the market. It’s imperative to gain a strong foundation and business structure in the financial market. It also helps for making various decisions that influence the growth of the business organization, including the analysis of processes and data that will pave the way for a profitable situation. While business analysis helps the business owners and founders for changing the business management and also helps the business platform to identify the spheres, where the workforce needs to be more concentrated and also help the managers to explore alternatives while assigning teams to projects or understand what implemented methods would increase sales and productivity.

Certain Benefits of Business Analysis for the Entrepreneurs and Startups:-

a)Increase in ROI:: The most crucial goal of every company in the market is to have a stable ROI. The business analysis basically helps significantly for cutting costs where more profit can be achieved. Implementing effective strategies and solutions helps in work-related issues can save much money and also measures the efficiency of the solution we have implemented and analyses its investments.

b)Decreasing Costs:: Business analysis basically decreases the cost of various projects or activities of an organization by cutting costs in order to create and implement effective and efficient methods, techniques, and approaches. Business analysts and the team basically create various ways to solve recurring problems using affordable and practical solutions.

c)Effective Team Collaboration:: Business analysis can be very beneficial for the company and the staff as it helps for improving the team collaboration which leads to faster implementation and succession of a project and also prevents certain mistakes and reduces the rework of a specific project. Effective team collaboration basically implements the business projects properly without losing more than allocated money.

d)High success rating:: Business analysis helps improve the project’s success rate by using effective and affordable solutions to counter problems that may arise. Having a solid team foundation and business analysts can save a project from certain failures and also by keeping a track of specific projects and making certain adjustments faster by using business analysis and also achieve the project’s objective and goals.

e)Room for Improvement:: Business analysis provides us room for improvement and running a business is not easy, so improving oneself is necessary. It can be very much beneficial to the management and the staff as well and also further enhance certain skills to help the company grow and develop and by having good management and staff can make or break a business in any given market in the long run.

Certain Benefits of Consulting for the Entrepreneurs and Startups:-

a)Focussing on core business capacity:: In regard to whatever the business platform or industries you are in, the business representatives basically performs an excellent for their core abilities. Instructors, specialists, legal advisors, office administrators, and practically any remaining representatives are the most profitable dealing with what they excel basically. Having business consulting services, the business representatives can focus on their certain experiences on their center work and increment the main business concern.

b)Business customized:: Consultancy services basically do not offer a one-size-fits-all arrangement. The business worth basically comes in finding out about every customer’s business and objectives, and fitting guidance and methodology counseling to the particular difficulties that the business faces. Business customization in consultancy implies that an expert’s answers are significantly more powerful than non-exclusive warning administrations. An administration award advisor can choose financing programs for which your business is unmistakably qualified and has the best possibility of achievement.

c)Knowledge and Proficiency:: Business consulting firms are knowledgeable experts who have been handling the entire company and having business expertise in handling the business complex issues. Through business consultants, the business needs and requirements can be met and every company requires experienced professionals who basically have a deeper knowledge about their business in order to understand the business system and providing the right strategy for improving productivity.

d)Enhance Productivity:: The main part of a business organization basically helps for increase the productivity of a business so that the business consulting firm provides certain guidance over collaboration, communication, and knowledge sharing which would help the business in increasing their productivity with the right strategy and basically it is needed for a proper plan to be executed and controlled.

e)Implement the Business strategy:: For ensuring that a business organization is working swiftly and effectively, it is basically essential for executing the business plan so that it would be the reality check of making such business policies and as the policies are adopted, it is the duty of consulting firm for helping the essential requirements of the business and providing the alternative plans that would be beneficial for the growth of a business organization.

Customers attraction is basically one of the most critical tasks that basically determines the new market player’s future success as the business analyst is the exact person who can ensure that their producst will hit their targeted audience. Consulting activity basically represents a sided form of suitable or necessary expertise and experiences for others since, it provides a possibility for faster development and avoiding the unnecessary phase of certain business failures in the near future.


📍SOURCES:- 🌐📤📥



Dona Ghosh Dastidar
The Early Bird’s Club

📍🎓BBA🏢📍 ✒Blog Writer📍 👩🏻‍💻Intern in Knowlexon Innovation and Technology 📍👩🏻‍💻📒Social Media Marketing Executive at The EarlyBirdsClub