Have you been watering your mind?- The Growth Path

Early Bird’s Club Pvt. Ltd.
The Early Bird’s Club
3 min readJun 4, 2020
A conceptual image of a woman watering a plant that is growing from inside her head. PC- https://thriveglobal.com/

Dictionary Meaning- ‘Noun’- Flourish, to grow; evolution

Theories-Mindset Theory — Fixed vs. Growth Mindset (Carol. S Dweck)

Growth Mindset can be described as an innate potential. Now each one of us wants to be better each day. On debatable grounds, individuals always tend to want more. But in what direction your wants are headed to, decides for itself where you will land tomorrow. There can be many derivatives here such as positive thinking, life skills, learning ability, adeptness, and how firm you decide to be in your approach. If you see yourself climbing the ladder of success, it starts with the first step. There`s no limit to growth. It`s all in our mind as the path keeps on stretching because of our unending wants. Here`s how your mindset helps you control your wants and give the right direction to your growth. Consider at work, you have a team working for you. Now as a leader, your growth will be determined by the cumulative growth of each of your team members. Doing SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats), your strength here should be your want and the combined strength of your team members is what you need. The ladder of growth should be thought of bottom to up. It`s their achievement making you lead. You cannot afford to be self-centered here. So your mindset nurtures other`s growth on the way too.

We can come across as many as four types of mindsets:

~CRITICAL THINKING- You can do a SWOT analysis for every step. Doing so, you will derive speculations but not sleep over them. You will think through every theory for answers that help you rule out the threats, create opportunities possible that balance your weakness and lead you to add strength to your plan. You are transforming your thoughts into actionable steps.

~LET IT BE TOMORROW- You can always start tomorrow. Keep pushing things for later. There`s never a late start. We all have been impressed by some people who did start late but succeeded in their dreams. If you are drawing inspiration from such mentors, better to be ready with a rigid plan and an ignition start. You are probably waiting for the right time.

~VIRTUAL- You have a well planned day but no actionable step? Well, all your thoughts are safe inside your mind. Will it result in something? No.

It`s like thinking of a recipe to cook and drooling over the thought of eating it but never have to taste it.

~LET OFF- You will always find an excuse to avoid taking the risks and do what it takes to work out your plan. Like your actions, your success will be pushed farther and delayed indefinitely.

The Early Bird’s Club. VC- saikatdas.live

Now let`s take into account, the most evolved and far-sighted Mindset which would be a ‘Rectified one’. Rectification, in Physics, helps to straighten the direction of the current. You will need to be able to pick up the pace with which your mindset will direct you towards growth and amplify it with a critical one. This will straighten out your actions and set the timer for your goals. You cannot allow your surroundings and influences to be a camouflage to restrain yourself from doing something.

The power of our mind is exponentially high. You will become what you think.

Choices are always in our court. We decide for ourselves what mindset we nurture.



Early Bird’s Club Pvt. Ltd.
The Early Bird’s Club

We provides diversified services such as mentorship, startup incubation, startup resources allocation, etc. by being a business consulting and transform company