PERSISTENCE-what this word reminds you of, Struggle, or Craving?

Early Bird’s Club Pvt. Ltd.
The Early Bird’s Club
3 min readJun 4, 2020
Now stop thinking, stop doing un-fair means to your-self. Its time to move forward!
Now stop thinking, stop doing un-fair means to your-self. Its time to move forward! PC-

Dictionary (noun)the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action despite difficulty or opposition.

Synonyms perseverance, determination, resolution, dedication, commitment, etc.

Theory (as per Wikipedia)- Persistence refers to perseverance despite fatigue or frustration.

What is continuity?

It`s not the processes that go on forever?. Would it be a stereotype definition of the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over time?. Many questions and assumptions may be drawn from the mentioned word; however, some had/have understood the inner meaning of “continuity”.

There is a quote in the movie ‘Founder’ of McDonald’s as well as the book that sums it up:-

“ Nothing in the world can take place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not and unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent”.

We all do our best to simplify the struggle for any dream of ours to fulfill; but in many ways, we generally end up collecting the leftover crumbs of the whole success we dreamed of, instead of grabbing the superfluous fortune.

A crow can fill a jar filled with pebbles having one-fourth amount of water to neutralize his thrust, a tortoise can persuade against fast-moving animals and inventing things that took vigorously time-consuming experiments and trials are all the roads to persistence and dedications. The due diligence of your endurance counts the overcoming of every hindrance though out the resolution. Remember, “it’s not about the destination you choose, it’s always about the journey you took”.

“Life Requires a lot of sitzfleisch.”

The abundance of power to endure or to persevere in life is what needed as Sitzfleisch. The route of life towards judgment is not fair. You may face as many as situations of redundancy against your goal on multiple occasions. The taste of success is very tempting and satisfying to our souls, hence every step taken towards our goal setting should be counted. Don’t just learn from your mistakes, analyze it closely, and make yourself sedulous to make a hand-on difference in other’s lives.

“Adaptive measures”.

Changes are inevitable, I say, changes are life professors. When we are children, we all stumble and learn to walk, followed by running. Small changes bring big stories to be narrated widely. But are we always ready to reciprocate to these changes?. Maybe not. Changes are hard to accept when we cannot adapt. But when results are as perceived, we start going forward with the change. Just like the first time your feet were on the peddles without supporters. It`s scary at the start, but you seek to make balance. Balance is the key. It`s to be maintained between your conscious mind and adventurous soul.

Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

“Now stop thinking, stop doing un-fair means to your-self. Its time to move forward!”



Early Bird’s Club Pvt. Ltd.
The Early Bird’s Club

We provides diversified services such as mentorship, startup incubation, startup resources allocation, etc. by being a business consulting and transform company