《•》The actual meaning of Entrepreneurship is dying:- 📝🌐👩🏾‍💻《•》

Dona Ghosh Dastidar
The Early Bird’s Club
9 min readAug 7, 2021

📌Basically, certain known big tech platforms which came out of the great recession and several big companies which came out of the past economic crisis and the bigger depression is basically not the actual truth over the last generation.

For all of that entrepreneur platforms which lasted for over 15 years, the great recession has accelerated an alarming situation in the new business formation around the world. In the United States of America, the rating of entrepreneurship has been declining for some decades, and literally, those new business firms that have been already created are employing lesser or fewer people. The current recessions have tended for damaging small firms which are worse than the bigger firms, and in today's business scenarios, every entrepreneur is almost at a certain deep-rooted sustaining global recession. Thus, the new firm competition is considered as a foundation of quality of life gains and economic growth and therefore, the declining rates of new firm incorporation may be partially blamed on the rising of certain monopolies and duopolies. Many of the entrepreneurs find it very much difficult to accept another company’s way of doing things which basically creates a difficult working atmosphere that makes the people's adaptation very much difficult and many of them are well equipped in order to deal with different company environments. So, what are entrepreneurs like, and what makes them distinct from the other business people? Some of the entrepreneurs seem to be very much achievement-oriented in order to take responsibility for certain business decisions and dislike repetitive tasks every day. Whereas the creative entrepreneurs basically possess high levels of energy and great degrees of perseverance and imagination which in combination with the willingness for taking moderation and face certain business risks allowing them to transform what often began as a very simple, ill-defined idea into something concrete. Entrepreneurs can also instill some of the highly contagious enthusiasm in certain business organizations. Having a certain mystique behavior, the entrepreneurs can also have personality quirks that allow them to make hard people work efficiently. Thus, the buyers of the entrepreneurial companies started by such people should be prepared in order to inherit a mediocre management group.

The most significant theme in the life and personality of many entrepreneurs is basically the need for control as their preoccupation with the controlling effects of their ability for taking certain directions or giving appropriate and having serious business implications in order to get along with the others. Some of the entrepreneurs have certain striking feelings since, whenever a serious issue occurs in the control surfaces of their business platform, they basically are filled up with fantasies for impressing certain audiences, influence, power, and authority in whatever helpless situation they are. Consequently, some of the entrepreneurs have serious difficulty issues of dominance and submission and are suspicious about the authority. While many of the managers identify positive and constructive authority figures for using it as the role models, many of the entrepreneurs basically have a lack of manager’s fluidity in changing from a superior to a subordinate role. Certain entrepreneurs seem to be driven by the magnificent obsession, ideas, concepts, or themes that haunt them and eventually determines what kind of business they choose to be in and they are basically preoccupied with the threat of subjection to some external controls or infringement based on their will and when such people are suddenly placed in the subordinate position, power conflicts are inevitable. People who are basically concerned about being in business control have little tolerance for subordinates who think for themselves. In certain organizations, the desire of controlling leads to extreme behavior, for example, an owner-manager who needs to be informed even in the most minute operation of the company. Excessive concern with certain business detail may be appropriate in the start-up phase of a company since, it increases the burden of the organization in stifling the information flow, hampering the decision making, and inhibiting the attraction and retainment for capable managers. Many entrepreneurs do not have essential more personal problems than other people nor do they inevitably have personality disorders but what one can extract is that entrepreneurs have their own unique ways of dealing with the stresses and strains of daily life. But certain entrepreneurs create their new industries and jobs and stimulate the economy as their visionary qualities and leadership abilities allow them to transcend petty concerns and attain great achievements.

The secret behind every entrepreneur’s struggle:-

:: Most people think that entrepreneurs always care about money, fame, and luxury life and most successful entrepreneurs basically attract the most attention and usually possess these things. As an entrepreneur, your goal is basically to earn a lifestyle that’s enviable, but the path to that destination is another way as the difficulties which the entrepreneurs usually face are real and knowing them ahead of time is important for anyone who is thinking about starting a business. Therefore, failure is something that every entrepreneur who really wanted to become a business leader must embrace. No matter how much you study or read about your field, there are always going to be sudden or unexpected downfalls and most successful entrepreneurs don’t spend much of their time discussing their own difficulties. Hunting for success and facing its setback after setback may sound a little bit frustrating, but the sacrifices which every entrepreneur makes are often even more formidable. You just need to believe in your vision strongly enough in order to sacrifice almost everything in order to become a successful entrepreneur.

Certain common struggles faced by the entrepreneurs:-

a) Risk-taking is not easy for everyone:: People rarely talk about this dread affliction which is known as risk. Risk-taking is basically the business bet in order to win or lose which becomes part of every entrepreneur’s daily life. From the abandonment of monthly steady paychecks to putting up all of their finances in a hypothetically profitable business, it is basically beyond everyone's choice. Other than finances and career switches, they even place their mental health and personal life at stake but the entrepreneurs do take risks every day in order to reach their goals. The determined entrepreneurs basically take the business risks in such a way that either they will win it or gain a new learning experience.

b) Stress will be your business partner:: Nowadays, the maximum number of business individuals symbolizes the business stress with entrepreneurship as a business partner since you will always feel stress whenever you are taking risks for your business platform and thus, many entrepreneurs live on the edge of certain dangerous situations or risk position in order to reach to their success path. This stress is actually grisly and sometimes threatening enough to consume your health also allows the daunting to the lifestyle of entrepreneurs to bring the stress of accountability, financial responsibilities, leadership, failure, and growth. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, they need to face it and train their minds to be stronger than their emotions or else they know that they will lose every time.

c) Not giving up on your goals:: Not every business individual basically possesses the character of being a successful, determined and motivated entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur usually requires certain crazy determination, hard work, and most importantly the art of not giving up on their dreams since each day has its own business obstacles for lowering down the basic motivation or sometimes allowing the business to completely finish its dreams. No matter whatever the business circumstances are, they will basically stand up again and again after falling and move ahead towards their business goals. They know that if they give up on their dreams in these sudden difficult times, then, it literally means that their business platform is totally over.

d) Finding the perfect team:: It is indeed not one entrepreneur's job in order to run their own successful company. From the decision of designing their business logo to business branding and also from setting the business strategy to the ultimate final product delivery, it is basically all about teamwork. A perfect blend of their business working teams basically allows for enabling them to come up with successful business platforms in the global sector. But finding a team that has equal passion and determination to achieve their company’s goals is almost a difficult task for many entrepreneurs as it takes certain ages for the business owner to build up a team and retain it and investing a lot of money and time to find such a good team for growing their business platform.

e) Cash Flow Management:: In certain business platforms, the cash flow is very much essential for small or medium business survival, and thus, many entrepreneurs usually struggle with the payment for the bills while they are waiting for the checks to arrive and thus, the part of the entrepreneur problem basically rises from the delayed invoicing which is very common in the entrepreneurial world where the business can perform a job, send an invoice, then get paid after 30 days. In the meantime, the entrepreneur has to pay everything from their working employees or contractors to their mortgaging with their grocery bills. Waiting to get paid can make it difficult to get by and when a customer doesn’t pay, the entrepreneur can risk everything.

f) Facing criticism:: One of the constant problems which are basically faced by many of the entrepreneurs is criticism. Be it about their business ideas, small failures in business decision making, or starting the business in the first place. Many big entrepreneurs like Ratan Tata and NR Narayana Murthy have faced certain criticisms and still, they face them. Being a new entrepreneur, they might face it more and would be constantly warned about the various ways your business can fail. Sometimes these critics might even get personal as they will feel jealous of and threatened by you. Like, good entrepreneurs, they need to learn to face their consequences head-on and be a stronger person in front of those risks. Basically, you basically need to look at genuine criticism, evaluate it and fix them so you don’t face it again.

Thus, many entrepreneurs basically face certain challenges and many solutions have been written in order to overcome those problems. Being an entrepreneur, you need to understand that you are not the first one to struggle and there are many resources that can help you get through your darkest days as an entrepreneur so that you can reap the infinite rewards that will come to build up your own successful business.


📍SOURCES:- 🌐📤📥



Dona Ghosh Dastidar
The Early Bird’s Club

📍🎓BBA🏢📍 ✒Blog Writer📍 👩🏻‍💻Intern in Knowlexon Innovation and Technology 📍👩🏻‍💻📒Social Media Marketing Executive at The EarlyBirdsClub