<|°| Tips to impress any investor with a perfect fundraising pitch:- 📊👩🏻‍💼💡💰 |°|>

Dona Ghosh Dastidar
The Early Bird’s Club
9 min readJul 29, 2021

📍Basically, the startups always prepare a pitch deck for the investors in order to present their own company to the targeted or prospective angel or venture capital investors.

The business pitch deck basically contains a long slide presentation in the form of a PowerPoint presentation which basically allows for intending to showcase the company’s products, technology, and working team to the angel investors. Thus, raising capital from investors is difficult and time-consuming for any business platform. Therefore, it is very crucial that a startup business absolutely nail down its investor pitch deck and articulates a compelling and interesting story approach to them. Several entrepreneurs or business owners basically find that it is a very hardworking task to approach or to attract any angel or potential investors. The companies and a certain amount of capital funds are very much doubtful choices of investing in unidentified projects and business concepts and thus, a sudden impact of undesirable or uncertain financial climate and bad decisions basically allows 50% of businesses to fail in a certain period of years due to lack of business skills, knowledge in certain fields and major inexperienced in the beginning stage of business platform. If any businesses wanted to approach business investors for rising their selling of products or services, then attracting your angel or VC investors is the basic part for your company and you need to make sure that you attract the right customers for your business platforms. Many startups basically require the need or support for huge amounts of funds for purchasing a lot of business products such as the latest technologies, pieces of equipment, office supplies, transportation supplies, etc., and thus, there is a lot of business competition for approaching suitable and perfect investors for increasing their business growth around the world. In order to approach good investors, you basically need to impress them through messaging or inviting them to your business programs or events and allowing them to show your pitch presentations about your company and its basic objectives or goals.

Basically, the business investors always go for expansion in order to accept certain pitches for allowing their extending of their business capital globally and allowing more successful entrepreneurs or starters from all over the world to converge on the venture capital platforms such as Silicon Valley, Khosla Ventures, Sequoia Capital, Kleiner Perkins, etc. In addition to the business funds, smart entrepreneurs basically want to get most of the investors through the active ongoing support, engagement, and certain financial resources which basically tells that the business needs to stand out and approach them in the very beginning and keep continuously impressing their investors through different methods through the different rounds of capital. Fundraising for your companies at any stage is a challenging part and tough process for your company's sales improvement. In a recent study, an average seed fundraising basically requires 58 investors, 40 investor meetings, and over 12 weeks to close the meeting round for any company and for your seasoned entrepreneurs and startups businesses with market traction, perfect pitch planning, and presenting your pitch deck in front of your investors is very necessary for your companies. The business goal is basically allowing for persuading your investors to put your profit into your business to fund your business’s growth and pushing your business to the next stage of its development. The pitch decks basically referred to those tools which basically allow for convincing investors of the merits of funding your tech startup or business.

  • What is a pitch deck and why is it important for any business platforms?

:: A pitch deck is basically known as a start-up or investor pitch deck presentation that basically allows helping your potential investors learn more about your business structure and its working pattern. The primary or basic goal of any pitch deck is not only to secure funding but also to make it to the next meeting. In order to represent your business platform to your investors perfectly, you need to have a proper, good and informative pitch deck with a perfect idea to intriguing them and allowing them to engage with your company. The pitch deck presentation usually consists of several slides that allow you to tell a compelling story about your business platform by using a generic software platform such as PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, or using a modern tool like Visme for creating an out-of-the-box presentation with a marvelous pitch presentation.

:: The Pitch deck is basically referred to as the first communication tool used by entrepreneurs to reach out to potential investors either through emails or in person and it acts as a sales pitch of a startup for the investors and makes them understand the startup in the manner they are accustomed to. Basically, pitch decks consist of a maximum of 19 pages long presentation in the form of slides on an average and an investor usually spends a little under 4 minutes reviewing it. So, 19 pages and 4 minutes of attention is all you have to impress an investor and get them on a call. Less than 2% of pitch deck emails receive an investor response, most of which are negative responses. Certain factors that basically account for a final investment decision by an investor like the operational sector or industry of the startup, the company’s stage in terms of revenue and traction, and most importantly, whether the investor has funds in the first place or not. Most of the businesses basically start out as tiny enterprises with bright, young founders who basically put together a PowerPoint slideshow to explain their product and business model and showcasing it to VCs or angel investors.

  • Certain methods for a perfect pitch deck that allow us for attracting any investors:-

a)Problem with the company.

:: The slide covering the company's problem should be a way for you to explain what gap you are filling in the business market. This needs to be a painful problem that people can relate to and that investors would not have issues with understanding. You basically also need to come across as someone that is focused and relentless to resolve a known issue. The startups basically need to create different slides for the problem and the solution as you don‘t want to overwhelm the investor in one slide. You need to keep in mind when an investor gets involved with your business venture is either because of experiencing the same problem in the past, a clear sense of ROI down the line, or giving their professional expertise they understand it. If an investor falls inside the certain points of interest in the above, it basically leads you to a perfect investor and resulting in securing at least 20% of the financing of the entire round for your business growth.

b) Solution for your business growth.

:: The solution for your presentation should be very much concise and clear to point. As a tech startup, your solution needs to be very much scalable since scalability is the capability of a system to increase its total output under an increased load when resources are added and which the investors essentially want to see in your business. A company in which they can invest in order to have the business platform working much faster. Moreover, it makes sense for the solution to outline why it makes sense now. As you may know, timing is everything in business, and being at the right time in history is what really matters. Being too early or too late to market can be the main cause of failure for startups. Avoid statements referencing you being the only one doing this, you being the clear leader, etc.

c) Perfect Market sector.

:: The market is basically going to determine the potential exit of the investor. If you are operating in a small market also the returns could be impacted by this. Always remember that any market that is under $1B might not be that attractive to an investor in hyper-growth businesses. The reason could be mainly that these investors are basically hunting for investment opportunities that may provide a maximum return in a horizon of 5 to 7 years. Ultimate investors especially institutional investors basically look for companies that will not only transform or disrupt their industry but have the potential to fundamentally reshape the way consumers interact with a market. Basically, the slide of your graph needs to outline the market growth in the past and the future potential growth so that the investors can check the upside and potential ROI on their investment through certain research reports.

d) Your business competitors.

:: The basic diagram is a good idea to showing the investor the competitors that you have executed in your business space and how you compare to them and where you land with your value proposition by clearly differentiate your business from the other competitors so that the investors that are reviewing the slide gets what makes the business so unique. Another slide basically needs to include the description of how much capital each competitor has already raised in the past and at what valuation which could help us in providing some perspective of how much the market sector is paying. It also allows a favorable condition for negotiating the terms of the deal or proceeding with a potential investment.

e)Specifying with Investment Needs.

:: One mistake which any business platform often makes is being vague during the time of profitability. Having no questions can be a little bit intimidating to ask for a specific amount of money because there’s a chance that the investment could come up short. It is important to be confident and specific with your request. Not only do the investors want to know exactly what their investment will look like, but they also want to see that what you think about your financial needs. Thus, it is important for allowing showcase where you need to anticipate the business money since it allows business trust. Concerning and having greater confidence in your business model and strategy will allow having greater fundraising success.

f)Product or services of your company.

:: This is the main part where the business needs to show off their actual product or service that your business is exactly selling. If it’s a physical product, you could add professional photos of your products or show your company's website with the products given information. You can also include some of your views that could highlight the materials and features of your company's product. If the product is an app, online tool, or service, consider adding screenshots that show off its most unique features in order to attract your investor's preferences.

g)Q&A session.

:: Finally preparing a Q&A session for your investors will basically allow them to ask certain questions and allowing to communicate effectively with your investors. Anticipating those questions and having clear answers will not only increase your credibility but will also give you a chance to address concerns before you leave the boardroom. Keep a list of any potential questions and concerns and decide how you can best address them.

:: Whenever any business or startup is trying to pull up their pitch presentation, they need to consider the perfect tone or perfect presentation in order to convey their investors through certain creativity, proper ideas, important points mentioned, and a perfect review of your company's goals.


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Dona Ghosh Dastidar
The Early Bird’s Club

📍🎓BBA🏢📍 ✒Blog Writer📍 👩🏻‍💻Intern in Knowlexon Innovation and Technology 📍👩🏻‍💻📒Social Media Marketing Executive at The EarlyBirdsClub