Dawn is it yet ?

Abhineet Narang


The word ethics is more than just a slur when we talk about Indian culture and art. There can be numerous ways to approach this debate however which one is the right one is also debatable at the same time. We are trying to solve a riddle that swirls levels deep into a black hole that can be seen as a void between the ancient conservative mindset and contemporary society. The more you try to bring the lucidity the darker it gets.

In an world of technology, lets reason the art timeline through filters-

Lets look from an ancient lens, art is embedded into the Indian society and we can go scrolling up to hundreds of thousands of years and we still shall find impeccable artistry. Art was more refined in this era; it had styles that took centuries to get defined in any language. Ironically artwork was much more modern in depicting the styles, the etiquette and the hint of voyeurism that can still be seen in the sculptures in some temples around India.

From a 20th century lens, using the mythological references and molding art to use as religious tool to educate people and fortify those beliefs amongst children and society, moral guardians tried to cultivate an orthodox view of art. The art industry known for its outrageous vision and creativity is put into a box and growth becomes saturated. The time where art was still curated by biased personnel and only a selective shall pass through to the top that reflected society defined ethics and constricted mindset.

Art from a modern century lens, art is evolving at much greater speed and with more and more youth enticed by the limitlessness of creativity the art industry is seeing the day light again. Campaigns such as fearless collective, homegrownin and St+rt India are the new faces of modern art that rhymes with collaboration, character and bold. The streets covered with graffiti and prints encompassing views of innovation, freedom and neutrality are making a meaningful impact.

The industry almost after centuries of depravity (once most modern) is now eventually routing itself back on the track of prosperity and righteousness.



Abhineet Narang
Editor for

An entrepreneur in profession and a writer at heart !