10 Tips to Ease Working From Home

Anne Tolmie
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2020
Photo by Oliur on Unsplash

With coronavirus, many companies are encouraging their employees to work from home, if they can. For some, working from home is a challenge. Some may find it takes a toll on their productivity and some may be feeling downright lonely.

At Echobind, we work remotely the majority of the year — apart from kickoff meetings and our annual summit. We know what it is like to make that adjustment from working in the office to working from home. As a team, we have put together a few tips that we hope will help you if you are struggling right now.

1. Have a Routine

Don’t work from your PJs. Eat breakfast, shower, get dressed as if you were going to work.

2. Start Moving Early

Go for a walk after breakfast. Don’t go straight to the computer.

3. Be Social

Find a way to socialize here and there, even if it’s on a phone or video call. Otherwise, you’ll go stir crazy faster.

4. Get Sunshine

Get sunlight into your home as much as you can. Try to set up your workspace near it. Also, take outside breaks if possible.

5. Move

Don’t sit all day. Try to take movement breaks. Shoot for one per hour. You will feel so much better, and less sluggish.

6. Have a Stop Time

Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean there’s no end to your workday.

7. Separate Your Space

Try to separate your workspace from your personal space. This will help enforce your stop time, and allow you to get out of work mode faster.

8. Buddy Up

Reach out to someone you feel comfortable with (hello work bestie) if you feel isolated. Try to check in with that person daily or at a minimum weekly. You never know when they could need you too.

9. Overcommunicate

Communicate more than you think you have to. This entails giving frequent updates to your team when you are blocked, complete a task, or even if you are going to lunch. At Echobind we use Slack. This makes status updates easy peasy!

10. Identify Your Tools and Stick to Them

We use Slack to stay in touch and Zoom calls for meetings. At Echobind, it’s best practice to always have the camera on so we actually get to see each other.

We hope you enjoyed these 10 tips to ease working from home. Leave us a comment if you found them helpful, we would love to hear from you!

