How Developers and Designers Can Help Fight COVID-19

Elrick Ryan
Published in
4 min readApr 21, 2020

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) has changed the world and has impacted every walk of life. It is presenting an unprecedented global challenge. As developers and designers in tech, we may not be directly involved with fighting COVID-19, but we can use our skills to help fuel solutions, software, and tools that will help those directly fighting the coronavirus. At our core, we are innovators and creators who love solving problems. Using our skills in the right capacity can help society after this pandemic is over and help prepare us for any future pandemics that may arise. The challenge is figuring out where we can best use our skills.

I want to do my part to help during the COVID-19 pandemic. And while the medical personnel, scientists, researchers, and first responders have more direct involvement through saving lives, and looking for a cure, I wondered what could I do. I bought and delivered groceries for neighbors, friends, and family who were most at risk for contracting COVID-19. I made monetary donations to humanitarian services such as food banks, and utility relief and aid, trying to do my best to help someone else that may be in need. But still, I wondered how I could use my professional skills against COVID-19.

My father always said to me since I was a young lad, “learn from other people.” He is not a man of many words and would use that line for everything. Whether someone did something good, bad, did not listen to advice — literally anything — he would use that line. Now what I realize, is he was trying to instill a high sense of empathy in me. Being observant, asking questions, and using sound logic and decision making not only based on my experience but combined from other peoples’ as well. Which is also how we find solutions to problems.

Normally, I move around the city and go to various places and speak with people about their experiences. But we have all been required to practice social distancing so I was not able to interact with anyone that was impacted by the coronavirus to understand the situation at a personal level. It was not until several friends and family became ill with the virus that I realized the answer to how could I used my skills was right in front of me. I do it every day at Echobind.

We are in a time where every person, life-style, and business is impacted by this pandemic. The applications we are building have the ability to a positive impact and help many people during this pandemic.

The Software our Team has been Building

Online Educational Software

Students from kindergarten to college are all home and schools now need to utilize online software to help bridge the gap of learning that would have been done in person.

Voice-enabled Applications and Virtual Assistants

We’ve been working on a voice application that will people with cognitive impairments remember things. Supporting them during this time is vital to their safety. Even a simple reminder to “remember to wear your N95 mask.”

Home Health Care

As more people contract the virus, they will be sent home to care for themselves or their loved ones if they do not need to be hospitalized. Having a health care application is invaluable, as it can allow someone to find a home health care professional to help care for them or their loved ones if needed.

Help Build Solutions

Once I realized that I was contributing to the fight against COVID-19 by building tools and software, I started thinking about what other software, tools, and solutions could be helpful as well. Maybe I could help improve or even build some of them. I took a step back to come from the outside in and define the problems, define the why, define who, empathize, and then think about more solutions.

Some of these are already made and you might be a designer or engineer working on them.

  • Smartphones
  • Smart homes
  • Video conferencing software
  • Entertainment software
  • Gaming
  • Ventilator software
  • Health Care Robots
  • Delivery assistant bots
  • and much more

Keep Designing and Coding

Even if you are not on the front lines as a medical worker or an essential worker you are also helping in the fight against COVID-19. Let’s keep up the fight and make the effort to do our part. Thank you and be blessed!

Contributor’s Bio

Elrick is a Creative Engineer with an extensive background in Product Design and Engineering. He builds immersive, engaging, solution-based experiences using design, technology, and engineering.



Elrick Ryan

A healthy curiosity to push the limits of possibility.