Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

Trust me…

Matt Thompson
Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2020


Trust: a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

“Trust me…” It may come to you as a surprise but these words can have a very negative connotation in the workplace. It sparks a very different emotion from person to person and should be used with caution. Some people have trust issues. Some people have been burnt.

You can help negate this by:

  • Actively listening
  • Being open to opinions
  • Being honest in your response
  • Being reassuring
  • Building confidence


I was recently having lunch with an old colleague celebrating a new job when this topic came up. Asking what he enjoyed the most about the transition and his new job, a one-word response was given, “Trust”. The discussion continued as we both re-lived old wounds from previous employers that ended with what seemed to be a silver lining. We both agreed it was nice to work in a place knowing the co-workers and company have your back. It’s that continued reassurance that brings a sense of peace. This trust plays into our entire mental psyche, our motivations, actions, and willingness to be. Its human nature really, why would I help support something that continues to weigh me down. It can give us all a pessimistic side that continues to ask “Why should I trust you?”

“Why should I trust you?”

This leads to one of our core guiding principles here at Echobind. Transparency

Trust is built around being open with one another. An understanding of both parties and the expectations within. I can trust you because you are actively listening to my concerns. I can trust you because you are being honest with your response. I can trust you because I know my voice matters.

Here at Echobind if something doesn’t feel right in our day-to-day, it gets called out. It’s a work family, and as with any company/family, we have our differences. Trust doesn’t always mean you agree. It means you understand one another, I know where my colleagues are coming from. I understand the support they need to succeed. Trust is knowing we are all doing our part to do just that, succeed. When this plays out, we are each confident in our own abilities to reach down and help another. This builds synergy and momentum and is extended beyond our company. Impacting families, communities, and other organizations as our team adventures life.

As an agency, it’s our job to place this same trust and confidence within our clients. Why should you trust us? It’s simple, As a developer, you can trust me knowing I have the support of my team. When working with one of us, you are working with all of us. We aim to carry the aforementioned core values over to you and your team. Actively listening to your problems, while providing honest feedback. Our goal is to remain open and reassure you each step along the way. We take all the positive energy from our team and pass to you the same confidence instilled in us. It is our job to make sure that with each decision you make, you continue to feel inspired and supported. While we have our differences, we each aim to succeed. You trust us because you realize you are not alone.

Contributor’s Bio
Matt is a Software Engineer at Echobind, a SaaS agency. Matt is a Georgetown College alumn and a self-taught engineer with a career that spans across design, photography, business management, non-profits, and tech. In his free time, Matt can be found with his family or within the community volunteering and mentoring.

