AMA with SparkPoint Network Developers: The Recap

SparkPoint Team
Published in
9 min readFeb 6, 2024

Missed the first exclusive #AMA with SparkPoint Network developers? Don’t sweat it! We’ve got a recap coming your way.

Let’s delve back into their valuable perspectives and development progress.

The Recap

Intro and Q&A Round

Jomae: Welcome, everybody! Welcome to SparkPoint’s first AMA of the year. My name is Jomae, SparkPoint’s Marketing Specialist and I’ll be your host for this evening. 🫡👋🏻

Jomae: Let’s welcome our guests for tonight. Here with us are the developers behind the SparkPoint Network Please introduce yourselves. 😊

Mat: Hi everyone! Mat here, Director at SparkPoint ⚡️

We’re excited to be here today for this AMA and answer all your questions about our SparkPoint Network!

Ask us anything about our journey so far, from our current research and development to our plans for the future. We’re here to be transparent, informative, and excited to engage with the community! ✨

Let’s dive in!

Harvey: Hello, I’m Harvey Javier. One of the earliest developers of this project. I developed the SparkPoint Wallet and initially deployed it in 2019 on Android with Medard. Exciting to meet you all here in this group chat!

Aldrick: Hello everyone! I’m Aldrick, the Blockchain Developer at SparkPoint. My primary role involves spearheading the development of our innovative blockchain network. I’m passionate about leveraging blockchain technology to create secure, efficient, and transparent systems. I look forward to engaging with you all in this AMA session and answering any questions you may have about our work

Medard: Hello, I’m Medard, one of the full-stack web developers of sparkpoint. Good day everyone

Jomae: Awesome. So happy to see you guys here tonight, Aldrick, Medard, Harvey, and Mat. 🥳

Jomae: For this AMA, we will be having two segments. First is the progress update on the development of SparkPoint Network.

Then the second part will be the live questions. For this segment, we will be picking 3–5 best questions in this chat.

Jomae: To our community members, you can send your questions later, the chat will be enabled for everyone.

Jomae: Are you guys ready? :D

Harvey: Yes, let’s get it on!

Aldrick: Yeppp 🔥

Mat: Let’s go!

Jomae: To get this started, can you walk us through the current stage of your research and development process for SparkPoint Network? 🧑🏽‍💻✨

Mat: Thanks for the question! We’re currently in the experimental development phase of SparkPoint Network.

We’ve successfully deployed an internal devnet on a cutting-edge blockchain framework to validate our concepts, and we’re now actively exploring various aspects like node implementation and deeper network architecture.

This phase involves deep research into performance optimization, security protocols, and interoperability solutions to ensure a robust and scalable network.

Harvey: This is something that we are actively brainstorming. We are learning a lot in this process. Stay tuned for updates as we progress in the development of SparkPoint’s bespoke blockchain network.

Jomae: Thanks for sharing, Mat and Harvey!

Jomae: Moving on to the next, what are the key milestones you have achieved, and what are the next steps in the development timeline?

Aldrick: We have achieved a comprehensive feasibility study and conceptualization process to assess the economic viability and technical requirements of our blockchain network. Next we’ll focus on the development of a Proof of Concept to demonstrate the practicality of our blockchain solution in real-world applications

Jomae: That’s good to hear, Aldrick! Can you share what blockchain technologies you are exploring? Any of you devs can answer this.😁

Medard: We’re testing various Layer 2 and 3 blockchain solutions to find the most efficient one for improving our system’s scalability and performance

Medard: Our goal is to maintain a robust infrastructure capable of handling high transactions with low latency, by thoroughly analyzing each solutions’s pros, cons, and compatibility with our current architecture

Jomae: How about your plans for scalability and security to develop the network?

Harvey: Mat, I think you can answer this one as you’re the one assigned to this

Harvey: in the research and development part

Mat: Good question! Scalability and security are paramount for our network. We’ve already deployed a layer on a leading edge technology, benefiting from its inherent security capabilities. Building on this foundation, we’re:

Mat: 1. Exploring enhanced validator configurations

2. Investigating optimized node implementations

Mat: While specifics are still under development, we’re diligently testing and researching to ensure long-term scalability and security. We’ll keep you guys informed as our plans solidify!

Harvey: Thanks Mat. Aldrick, maybe you can give inputs on your research as well

Aldrick: Yes Harvey, I want to add to Mat’s statement that we are also exploring both on-chain Layer-1 and off-chain Layer 2 scalability solutions. Layer 1 enhancements may include optimizing the blockchain’s base protocol to increase its transaction throughput. For Layer 2 solutions, we’re looking into state channels and sidechains, which can process transactions off the main blockchain and then record the final state on-chain, significantly increasing our network’s capacity without compromising its security or decentralization

Jomae: Thanks for sharing snippets of your research, Mat and Aldrick! Your dedication is appreciated! ✨

Jomae: Now, have you guys started creating prototypes? How’s it going?

Mat: Prototyping is in full swing! We’re building exciting features and functionality you’ll love. Imagine creating your own game or app without breaking the bank!

Mat: While we haven’t launched public tests yet, we’re actively building and testing internal prototypes on our own devnet. This lets us validate our concepts early and iterate quickly. We’re excited with the progress so far, and we’ll share testnet access and results once we’re confident in their value and ready for wider community feedback!

Jomae: Wow, sounds like hard work is in motion! We’re rooting for you! 🔥

Jomae: Of course part of development is quality assurance. When it comes to development, how are you ensuring the quality and reliability of your work? 👨🏻‍💻

Mat: Phew Harvey, you type slow 😜⌨️

Harvey: Thinking of a comprehensive answer, Mat 😄

Harvey: Anyway, for SparkPoint Network, we ensure quality and reliability through a multi-layered testing and validation strategy:

1. Unit Testing. Which validates each individual component for correctness.

2. Integration Testing. This checks compatibility and interaction between different modules

3. Smart Contract Audits: We have a network of third-party experts review our smart contracts for security vulnerabilities and logic errors.

4. Stress Testing. Which evaluates system performance and stability under extreme conditions

5. Peer Review. @medardm @mativan96 and especially @aldrickbOfficial knows that as we spend our time more on GitHub and in front of our text editors than here on Telegram 😜. Anyway, code changes are meticulously reviewed by multiple team members before integration.

6. Testnet Deployment. Of course, before production rollout, everything must be in pristine condition and test everything. Simulating real-world functionality and detecting any unforeseen issues.

Harvey: Hmm. What else.. I think that’s all

Mat: I haven’t seen daylight in ages! 😂

Harvey: Anyway, I believe this comprehensive approach helps us identify and mitigate potential risks, ensuring the development of a secure, efficient, and reliable blockchain ecosystem.

Jomae: Wow! Your strategies not only showcase your intelligence to the craft, but also your commitment to our collective success! 😄😄😁

Harvey: Thanks Jomae

Jomae: Now, let’s dig a little deeper about the upcoming SparkPoint Network! 🤩

Jomae: Let’s talk about the ideas behind building this network!

Jomae: G? (Ready?)

Mat: Gee!

Harvey: Let’s goo

Aldrick: 🚀


Jomae: Can you share to us the problems or issues that will be resolved by the development of SparkPoint Network?

Mat: While cost-effectiveness is crucial, SparkPoint Network goes beyond just lower fees. We offer a unique combination of scalability, security, and affordability, giving developers more freedom and flexibility to create cutting-edge games and dApps. This sets us apart and enables developers to truly push boundaries within the blockchain space.

Mat: Our goal is to build a future where you, yes you! and everyone, can benefit from SparkPoint Network, not just a select few!

Jomae: This sounds exciting! So, what makes it different from any other existing Layer 2 networks?

Aldrick: As Mat mentioned earlier, I believe our blockchain network will stand out from other Layer 2 solutions primarily due to its significantly lower transaction fees. This cost-efficiency is a core advantage, making it more accessible and practical for transactions

Jomae: That sounds good, Aldrick. :D How will the community be involved in the development and governance?

Medard: In terms of development, we will launch a bounty program. The community members can participate through testing the chain and are rewarded if bugs are found especially if they are major ones

Jomae: Community involvement! ✨

Jomae: Thank you for sharing the exciting details about SparkPoint Network’s development progress!

Jomae: The community is particularly eager to learn more about the unique features of this network. We’re all looking forward for the potential impact this will have on SRK and the Developer’s Community. 😄

Jomae: Now we move on to the next segment! 🥳

Jomae: SparkPoint Community Members will send their questions in the chat and our guests will pick 3–5 questions to answer.

Live Questions

Q: On which network can I get your token? 1) BSC chain 2) Tron 3) Ethereum 4) Polygon, Or any other network, can you tell us?

Harvey: BSC and Ethereum

Jomae: Second question:

Q: Is your platform suitable for crypto beginners? Or does it only limited for professional users?

Mat: Absolutely! Our platform, since day 1, is designed with crypto beginners in mind. We offer, and will continue to build around user-centricity, educational resources, and helpful support to guide you through your crypto journey! While advanced features are available for experienced users, you can easily participate and manage your assets even with limited knowledge.

Q: Do you have any plan for burning tokens in the future to reduce the supply of the token and increase its investment attractiveness?

Mat: Guess what? You know what’s better than traditional burning? Automated burning! We’re considering implementing an automated burning mechanism directly within the smart contract! 🔥

Medard: Yes, we plan to automate the token 🔥 process

Harvey: Yep, it’s better than the manual process

Mat: This would transparently reduce supply over time based on specific activities, promoting long-term token value. We’re actively refining and will share finalized details soon!

Q: What is the most ambitious goal of your project? Could share with us any Upcoming Updates?

Mat: We have global aspirations and envision serving users worldwide. Currently, We’re attracting users, partners, and collaborators who share our vision. This strong foundation will enable us to scale globally in the future. We’ll take you with us through every step of the way! 🚀

Harvey: If we look back, we still have the outlook, and vision for crypto mass adoption. This fuels our ambition to attract not just users, but developers as well

Q: Can you tell us the ‘why’ behind the decision to build the network?

Mat: Two Core Reasons!

Mat: 1. Empowering Developers: We saw the cost and scalability limitations hindering dApp and game development (and this has been going on for the past couple of years!). Our SparkPoint Network offers an efficient, affordable infrastructure to unlock creators’ potential and fuel innovation.

Harvey: Because we believe this has been long overdue, and supposedly in our initial pipelines upon the creation of this project

Mat: 2. Building an Accessible Future: High fees currently restrict many from experiencing blockchain benefits. We’re passionate about creating a low-cost network that fosters a thriving, inclusive ecosystem for developers and users alike.

Stay tuned as we bring this vision to life!

Jomae: That’s amazing, devs! Your ideas are a driving force for positive change. We definitely value the way you push boundaries to explore new avenues. 🥳

Mat: This session was fun! Let’s do this again! I want to thank everyone for their active participation, you guys rock! 🚀✨

Jomae: Aaaaand, that’s a wrap, Sparkies!

Jomae: Thank you so much everyone for tuning in with us for SparkPoint’s first ever Ask Me Anything Session this 2024. Hope that this was insightful for everyone.

Harvey: Thanks for the fruitful discussion everyone!

Jomae: Once again, this is Jomae, your host and SparkPoint’s Marketing Specialist and we’ll see you again soon! ✨✨✨✨

That’s it, #Sparkies! We’re looking forward to seeing you again on the next #AMA! 🚀

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