“Cryptocurrency 101” Course Now Live in SparkLearn

Carl Andre Bongalos
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2020

Curated in exclusive partnership with JRNY Crypto.

The cryptocurrency world received a piece of exciting news on August 24, 2020. SparkPoint, through its Twitter (@sparkpointio), made an announcement about its e-learning platform SparkLearn.

SparkLearn uploaded its first course, “Cryptocurrency 101: Buy, Sell and Trade for Beginners”. JRNY Crypto created the learning material for people who are new in the cryptocurrency space.

The course contains 14 topics about cryptocurrency that ranges from its meaning, types, and terms.

Here are the list of topics from the course:

• What is cryptocurrency
• Bitcoin and Ethereum
• Different types of cryptocurrencies
• Tracking the value of cryptocurrencies
• Storing your cryptocurrency
• Trading cryptocurrencies
• Stablecoins, tokens and coins
• Converting crypto to fiat currency
• Beware of crypto scams!
• Mistakes to avoid
• ICOs and IEOs
• How to find crypto hidden gems
• Crypto terminology
• Crypto tools and resources

Partnership with JRNY Crypto

This launch emphasizes the course partnership between JRNY Crypto and SparkPoint.

JRNY Crypto also added in a tweet:

Cryptocurrency 101 course will now be promoted in every JRNY Crypto YouTube video and give new comers to the crypto space a free way to get educated about the basics, while also learning about Sparkpoint $SRK and their play-to-earn games.

More courses to come in the future

It means all course content produced by JRNY Crypto will be available only at SparkLearn.

Starting your cryptocurrency journey

“Cryptocurrency 101” is the perfect material for beginners who are eager to start their journey in cryptocurrency.

Start learning about the cryptocurrency space with us at SparkLearn!

An inside look of the “CryptoCurrency 101: Buy, Sell and Trade for Beginners” course.

Get to know more about the e-learning platform in the article, Inside SparkLearn: How to Register and Learn about Blockchain Technology, or visit https://learn.sparkpoint.io/.

Want to know more about JRNY Crypto? You can head on to his website and his official Youtube channel. There are tons of videos on his channel where he talks about kinds of cryptocurrencies, its different kinds, and updates.



Carl Andre Bongalos

Fueled with caffeine everyday. Tech-news enthusiast and fond of reading gadget reviews. Any anime recommendations?