How To Convert SRK (ERC-20) to SRKb (BEP-20) Using SparkBridge

Learn the step-by-step process of using SparkBridge

Published in
4 min readApr 8, 2021


Today, we’re going to learn the step-by-step process of using SparkBridge to convert your Ethereum-based SRK token to a Binance Smart Chain-based SRK token.

But before we proceed to the tutorial, let’s get to know more about a blockchain bridge.

What is a blockchain bridge?

A blockchain bridge allows the conversion of tokens between two blockchain networks. In the case of SRK an ERC20 token in Ethereum, when you use a blockchain bridge such as SparkBridge you can now convert SRK (ERC-20) to a BEP20 token in Binance Smart Chain called SRKb.

A blockchain bridge resolves the issue of lack of interoperability between two different blockchain ecosystems.

Now, let’s proceed to the tutorial on how to use SparkBridge.

Step 1: Go to the SparkDeFi website

Open your internet browser. Go to the SparkDeFi website. Make sure that the URL is

In the upper right-hand corner, click the LAUNCH STAKING APP button.

Once you have accessed the web app, choose Bridge to start converting your SRK token from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain or vice versa.

Step 2: Connect your Wallet

Next, you have to connect your MetaMask wallet.

Step 3: Start Bridging

Once you have successfully connected your MetaMask wallet, you can now convert your SRK (ERC-20) to SRKb (BEP-20). For this tutorial, I’ll be converting 5,000 SRK (ERC-20) tokens. In return, I’ll be getting 4,995 SRKb (BEP-20) tokens.

After supplying the amount you want to convert, click the Approve button.

Your MetaMask wallet will appear in another window to confirm the transaction. Always make sure that you have enough Ethereum to cover the transaction fee. Click the confirm button.

When the transaction has been approved in your MetaMask wallet. You can now click the Transfer button in SparkBridge.

Your MetaMask wallet will prompt again in another window to approve the transfer. Click Confirm.

Once the conversion has been approved, you will see the Transferred button.

Now, you need to change your blockchain network to the Binance Smart Chain in your MetaMask wallet to check if you have received your SRKb (BEP-20) tokens.

In this case, I have received the 4,995 SRKb tokens I have converted using SparkBridge.

If you want to convert your SRKb (BEP-20)tokens to SRK (ERC-20) tokens then just apply the same bridging process in SparkBridge but you should be starting off in the Binance Smart Chain.


I hope this tutorial helps you in making your bridging experience in SparkBridge easier. Also, please ensure that you have added the token contract address of SRKb: 0xc3440c10c4f36f354eb591b19fafb4906d449b75 in your Metamask wallet.

Stay tuned for the next tutorial about SparkSwap.

Learn how to point your MetaMask Wallet to Binance Smart Chain.

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