Insider Scoop: SparkPoint Network Development Update | March 2024

Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2024

We’re excited to share the latest progress on the SparkPoint Network development! We’ve been busy across various areas, from stress testing our core infrastructure to enhancing the user experience.

Key Achievements:

  1. Building the Ecosystem:
  • NodeKey NFT & Voucher Contracts: Development and testing of the NodeKey NFT and voucher contracts for referrals and influencer programs are well underway. These contracts will incentivize network growth and community engagement.
  • Faucet & Public Deployment: We’re developing and testing a token Faucet system, accessible at This will allow users to acquire a small amount of tSRK (Test SRK) tokens to get started on the network.
  • Nitro Node V2 & Deployment: Similar to the explorer, the Nitro node software is getting a significant upgrade. Version 2 is currently under development and testing, with a planned public deployment on Get ready for improved node performance and reliability!

2. SparkPoint Network Explorer:

  • Continued Stress Testing: Continuous stress testing of all network components to ensure they can handle real-world scenarios. We’re also taking steps to improve the overall reliability of node operations, leading to a more robust and resilient network.
  • Bug Identification: Through testing, we’ve identified and addressed a number of bugs, improving the overall stability and reliability of the explorer.
  • Addressed Issues: From minor display errors to more complex data handling issues, we’ve tackled various bugs reported by the community, ensuring a smooth user experience
  • Network Explorer v2: Buckle up for a brand new network explorer version! Development and testing of v2 are ongoing, with a deployment planned at This new version promises enhanced functionality and a smoother user experience.

3. SparkPoint Network Website:

  • Enhance User Experience: Our focus is on making the website easier to navigate and understand, particularly for newcomers to the network.
  • Visual Tweaks: We’re refining the overall visual design of the website, aiming for a clean and modern aesthetic that reflects the network’s vision.

What’s Next?

This update highlights some of our recent achievements. We’re committed to building a strong foundation for the SparkPoint Network ecosystem. Stay tuned for further updates as we move towards the official mainnet launch and beyond!

We encourage you to continue sharing your feedback. It plays a crucial role in shaping the future of the SparkPoint Network. Let’s build something amazing together!

Stay tuned for further updates! We’re excited to share our progress as we build the SparkPoint Network.

Learn more about SparkPoint from the following links:

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