Meet the Champion Behind the Screen

Blessed and thankful, the winner goes unplugged about her recent victor.

Joy Kristi Mae Balde
4 min readFeb 9, 2021


“Champions keep playing until they get it right.” — Billie Jean King

Our winner, Janette Ferrer has been an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) for 27 years. She is also the champion of the Crypto Slicer Tournament 4 conducted last November 15-December 15, 2020. She has supported SparkPoint ever since she found out about it through one of our active community managers and became one of the many firm believers of the project.

Janette Ferrer, our Crypto Slicer Tournament 4 Champion.

We conducted an interview with her via Telegram to sincerely congratulate her on her win. Join us as she shares her experience as an OFW during the pandemic. Find out how she expertly managed to become the best of the best on our latest Crypto Slicer Tournament!

Q: Congratulations on your win! How do you feel now?

A: Thank you! I’m happy and contented with winning the game. Hard work always pays off. (Crypto Slicer) is a fun game and I (really) enjoyed playing it.

Q: What kept you joining in on all our Crypto Slicer Tournaments?

A: It’s just one way to earn more SRK. I just love the Crypto Slicer game that’s why I kept on joining. I have always been a fan of games.

Crypto Slicer Tournament 4 Winners, Janette uses the Bitqueen08 moniker on all of the tournaments of Crypto Slicer.

Q: How would you describe your game techniques in Crypto Slicer?

A: Play and collect moons as much as you can while the tournament is still far ‘coz it will be your big advantage on winning. Do not wait for the tournament before you start playing. Always play ahead of time to accumulate a higher score.

Crypto Slicer Tournament Winners from Season 1–4

Q: Were you already an early supporter before you took part in the first tournament last February of 2020?

A: Yes I am. I found out about SparkPoint and Crypto Slicer on Facebook posts. Thanks to Jocel, one of SparkPoint’s community managers, who kept posting updates about the project. I just believe in this project. It is a great project with a great team.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa (Photo was taken by Janette Ferrer)

Q: How is being an OFW in Italy affected you personally since the pandemic started?

A: (I have been an OFW for) 27 years. There are a lot of changes since the pandemic started. We can only go out of the house if it’s important like going to work and buying our basic needs. Fear is always there, thinking that we could catch the virus. So hard, but we need to adjust to the new normal and we need to follow protocols especially we’re in the middle of the Red Zone. I know the Lord is always there to guide and protect us.

Q: What were you hoping to take away from the experience of supporting SparkPoint/SRK and Crypto Slicer?

A: Whatever God’s will. I’m just hoping that the pandemic will be over soon so that we can return to our normal lives as usual. (SparkPoint) has been a great blessing for me. It’s an addition to my savings so I just keep hodling.

Q: We almost have 400 participants in our recent tournament. Did some of your friends also take part in the event?

A: Yes, some of them took part in the recent tournament. Some are OFWs and some are my friends in the Philippines. They’ve tried to compete, but unluckily no one reached the Top 10. I hope for the next tournament there will be consolation prizes to compensate each player for their efforts in playing.

Q: Would you like to see more tournaments from us?

A: Yes. More tournaments and more rewards. New players are waiting for the next season. (I’d like to see) Crypto Burst (as the next game tournament) because some levels are so challenging that takes more time and patience before it can be solved.

Again, congratulations, Janette! We are absolutely thankful for your continued participation in our tournaments.

Watch out for more SparkPoint tournaments soon from one of our games by following our social media platforms down below.

Download Crypto Slicer here.

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