SparkPoint and AMA: The Recap

Exploring another metaverse!

Duchesne Sarza
9 min readNov 29, 2021


Last November 22, we introduced another project to the #SparkyCommunity! This project is Tryhards, a decentralized NFT-based action gaming metaverse. Everything in Tryhards takes place on Planet X!

But, what makes their NFT-Based gaming universe different? Let’s find out more by revisiting the session’s highlights! 😉

The Recap


Karan: Hi, sparkies! It’s time for another AMA. Today, we have Thomas, CEO of

PLAY. WIN. EARN. Gain more power, Fight for honor and conquer Planet X. Everything in Tryhards takes place on Planet X. Fanatics hailing from different planets come here to fight, earn precious crystals and get themselves a top spot on the Leaderboard. The more your Fanatics fight, the more you will earn.

Thomas: Great introduction Karan. Thanks for having me here today.
I am always super excited to talk about Tryhards, TGE is coming up in two days on November 24.. Super hype!

Karan: WOW! That’s just around the corner.

Before we start with AMA, can you please give a brief into about yourself, your experience, how long have you been in crypto, and what made you build up/ proceed with Tryhards?

Thomas: Hi, I am Thomas, CEO of Tryhards. I am from the Netherlands.
I love games, I am a passionate gamer myself and I feel very lucky to be able to create and develop an amazing new game.
I worked in the web development industry for quite a while. I had my own web development company for over 5 years before my focus shifted towards crypto more and more. The idea for Tryhards was born in 2020 when the core team and I recognized the immense potential of NFT and blockchain for gaming. And of course a love for video games.

Karan: Nice introduction. Also, anything that you can tell us about your team?

Thomas: I know the TryHards core team already for a longer period and also already worked with the dev team on previous projects. I shared my vision and mission with them and they were instantly on board.

The core team consists of Mia our CMO, Francis our CTO, and me CEO. =)

Karan: Nice team. Can you briefly at a high level explain what TryHards is about before we dive into some deeper questions.

Thomas: Tryhards is an NFT-based action game, players collect Fanatics and Weapons (NFT’s) which can be used in the Arena to fight each other and wave monsters. With a focus on community building and social aspects of games. Players can upgrade their NFT’s to become stronger and receive better staking rewards as well as in-game loot. Combining the best of DeFi and NFTs to create a truly unique and everlasting action metaverse.

So after TGE, players will be able to loot NFT’s and start upgrading them to gain better staking rewards. And in Q1 of 2022 we will launch the Alpha version of Tryhards and players will be able to load in those NFT’s as 3D models and take part in other activities like 1vs1 and 2vs2 matches as well as PVE for awesome rewards.

Karan: Awesome! What was your reasoning for going with Polygon and how do you feel about the chain going forward in reference to the gaming market share?

Thomas: Polygon combines the best of Ethereum and sovereign blockchains into a full-fledged multi-chain system.

Polygon solves pain points associated with Blockchains, like high gas fees and slow speeds, without sacrificing security. This multi-chain system is akin to other ones such as Polkadot, Cosmos, Avalanche, etc, but with at least three major upsides:

- It can fully benefit from Ethereum’s network effects
- It is inherently more secure
- It is more open and powerful

Also, we aim to go on BSC and Solana after launching on the Polygon.

Karan: That’s a really good thing about polygon.
Do players need any kind of specialized equipment to play the game?

Thomas: In terms of gameplay a mouse and a PC are required. In the future, we also want to make a mobile game out of it. But this is considered at a later stage. As of now, we focus on the game itself.

Also, you don’t need anything but Metemask to join. If you want the play the 3D game you need a Fanatic and Weapon NFT.

Karan: Good thing — I got a PC lol.
But as the masses can’t afford so it is a good thing to bring for phone players as well.

What will be the attraction for mass adoption of the metaverse concept? Do you feel that this is mainly a crypto attraction or do you see mainstream flocking towards it? Also, how easy will it be for mainstream (non-crypto) to get on board and play the game?

Thomas: True, but a laptop will work as well =)

Karan: Still not that cheap for so many people at many places to afford it.

Thomas: Well to be completely honest. I don’t think Tryhards will make the masses come to crypto. However, we are working hard to make the game as easy as possible to join. With easy-to-use UIX design and feedback to the user and what is happening.

We will also make guides on how to join and connect to the game as well as links to good guides on how to join crypto in general.

Karan: So Play to Earn is a very hot genre, but let’s talk about the NFT’s and what value they would bring to a player?
Are there certain NFT’s that you think the audience will gravitate more towards?

Thomas: I love the Fanatic NFT’s because of the story behind them. And I like the designs as well. At the moment we are in the process of making some of the Fanatic NFT’s into 3D models.

But to answer the question, I don’t know what the crowd will like, they need to choose for themselves.

Karan: Cool. Let’s move towards twitter questions.

Thomas: Sure.

Twitter Questions

Q: Regarding the weapons that each player can have within the TryHards ecosystem, I read that these come in different varieties and as you level up the power of these increases, but is there a limit of weapons allowed per player?

Thomas: There is no limit to how many NFTs a player can hold, So they can hold as many weapons or fanatics. But when playing the 3D game. Players can only carry two weapons into a match.

So for example a sniper rifle and pistol. We are still working on how to balance this so players can’t hold for example a sniper rifle and an Assault rifle because it would be too heavy. We are thinking of implementing a weight mechanism. A player can hold 100 weight and main weapons are 75 and side arms are only 25. So you can bring always 2 guns max.

But more information on that will be released later on =)

Karan: Nice
Q: For a project development first of all main priority is having enough funds. Does your team financially capable to run this project? Do you have enough funds for its development? Can you tell us that how your project generates profit

Thomas: So we already finished our fundraising. We raised 4,5m which is enough to get started. We make money by selling NFT’s and we take a small fee of sales on our platform.

Q: Many projects look great only on their whitepaper & Roadmap but face a lot of difficulties when trying to implement the project mission and end with failure. How does TryHards overcome every obstacle in its project development?

Thomas: Well of course there’s a huge difference between projects. For example, some gaming projects have huge plans but when they try to execute those plans they run into all sorts of problems. So that’s why I can urge people to do good due diligence before they invest.

For example, when we launch we will have our utilities ready, players can already start playing straight away. Not all features are ready but the core functionality is there. Of course, we couldn’t have everything ready because we needed the fundraising to get started on that.

Q: Most investors are more concerned with the value of the tokens than the technical aspects of the project itself. What are your plans to educate & raise awareness among the people to make them more understand about the future benefit by joining & investing in the project?

Thomas: I hope people know what the technical aspects of the game are before they invest. Tryhards metaverse will keep expanding and we will introduce more features to the game. Players will stay up to date on this because it will always be the best way to earn.

They can do this through any of our channels

Q: Last but not least. Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to TryHards? Because it is the success of a project to get more investors who are still not in the crypto world. What are the plans to increase awareness around your in non-crypto space?

T: Well, to be completely honest, I don’t think Tryhards will make the masses come to crypto. However, we are working hard to make the game as easy as possible to join with easy-to-use UIX design and feedback to the user and what is happening.

We will also make guides on how to join and connect to the game, as well as links to good guides on how to join crypto in general.

Live Questions

Q: Are you a global project or a local project? At present, which market are you focused on, or is it focused on building and growing to gain customers, users, and partners?

T: So we are a global project by default. Our team works from many countries and we operate all over the world where the law lets us. But our focus is on Southeast Asia.

Q: Can you List 1–3 Killer features of your PROJECT that make it ahead of Competitors?

- Staking
- Refinery
- 2vs2 PVP

Q: Staking, NFT is very hottest, do you think you will apply NFT technology to your products in the achieved future?

T: NFT’s are the core features of our game.

Q: Ambassadors play a very important role in every project, do you have an ambassador program? If yes, how can I be one?

T: We don’t have an ambassador project yet, but we might introduce this in the future

Q: Where can I buy your tokens now, what are your current contracts and how can I buy them, and what are the benefits?

T: Through one of our launchpads, and after November 24, our TGE and we will launch ourselves.

Thomas: So that’s about it I guess. I want to thank Karan for being a great host.
Karan: My pleasure!

Thomas: Thanks to everyone for joining the AMA session today and your interest in Tryhards. I loved all the good questions. Please follow us via the socials below!

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Thanks again everyone, I can’t wait to see you in the Tryhards Metaverse 🔥
Karan: Thanks for joining us today, Thomas. Waiting for your launch and to try the games personally too.

Karan: I’m also a game lover but a noob one lol.
Thanks to everyone for participating in this event. Results will be announced soon!

That’s a wrap! We are glad to discover and explore another NFT-Based universe with you #Sparkies. We hope you made it to Tryhards Metaverse by now! 🚀

Keep joining us on our #AMA series to learn and explore more amazing projects! See you again. 👋

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