SparkPoint Updates # 36: October 2022

The desire to Connect People and Blockhain Technology continues!

Duchesne Sarza
Published in
9 min readNov 12, 2022


October left a big mark on us! SparkPoint celebrated it’s 4th-Year Anniversary and the whole team was up to a lot of productive IRL events to continue exploring the possibilities, and share the goals of SparkPoint Technologies with the like-minded people who has the same passion for technology!

It’s been a roller coaster ride for SparkPoint team, but nothing can stop us from building the better future we all envisioned since day one! We are grateful for the endless support Sparkies and that we were able to celebrate another year with you all. And speaking of celebrations, you know we all love celebrating all kinds of achievements! So we’re here again, finally, to wrap up and highlight the things that made our month of October exceptional.

Let’s get started!


  1. SparkPoint on its 4th-Year Anniversary!
  2. Anniversary Activities and Giveaways for Sparky Community
  3. Multi-Wallet Creation Feature is here!
  4. SparkPoint as one of the sponsors of the Albay Multimedia Arts Convention 2022
  5. CMO Drei and SLETI CEO Melissa participated in the Global Blockchain Summit 2022 panel discussions!
  6. Sparkies at the WEB3 PH Summit
  7. DIT Students from University of Cordilleras visited SparkPoint Headquarters!
  8. Melissa as representative of SLETI and SparkPoint for the Kumustahan Session of the Albay ICT Association (AICTA)
  9. The Bicol Blockchain Conference 2022 is coming!

1. SparkPoint on its 4th-Year Anniversary!

“Connecting People and Blockchain Technology, Building Better Future”

Celebrating our fourth year Anniversary in the Blockchain Space is the biggest milestone for this month! Because despite the challenging season of crypto market, we’re still here! We managed to divert our efforts into things that will expand the horizons in SparkPoint, and that’s joining forces with other projects, supporting events that aim to revolutionize and promote the decentralized systems thru Blockchain Technology!

Hear from our founders, leaders and some member of the SparkPoint Team who have been dedicated and hardworking for years now!

Lastly, here’s a short video throwback of SparkPoint’s journey since 2018 and we love to share this with you:

2. Anniversary Activities and Giveaways for #SparkyCommunity

As part of the SparkPoint’s 4th year Anniversary Celebration, we have exclusive rewarding activities and giveaways for Sparkies!

Game Nights on Discord

We’ve hosted game nights on our Discord server every Friday, starting from October 7. Winners can win up to 300,000 SRK tokens and we’re just excited to send the rewards! Stay tuned for the upcoming announcement.

Check out the games channel now.

SparkPoint Anniversary DP (Display Photo) Challenge

Another exclusive and rewarding activity for the Sparkies! Users just needed to follow some easy steps to make their entries valid and they already got the chance to win SRK tokens!

We’re going to pick 4 profiles (From FB and Twitter) as winners and the announcement will be this Friday! (We would like to apologize for the delays, Sparkies! Since we’ve been too busy ✌️)

The Episode 6 of the #SparkySpace Series on Twitter

Back with another Twitter Space! And this time it was all about SparkPoint and its Anniversary celebration! To reminisce and share some stories, some of the SparkPoint employees joined the session.

You can still listen to the recorded audio here.

3. SparkPoint Wallet V11 brings Multi-Wallet Creation Feature

Yes! You read that right! The SparkPoint Wallet just keeps on getting powerful, Sparkies. The newest update, Version 11 includes Multi-Wallet Creation function. You can now create multiple accounts and import your other ERC-20 accounts into one single app!

Experience more secure and less to zero hassle transactions with our wallet app! Download or update your wallets now.

For Android devices, download here.

For iOS devices, download here.

4. SparkPoint as one of the sponsors of the Albay Multimedia Arts Convention 2022

It was an amazing experience with the whole AMAC Community and team behind this big event! We are proud to be one of the projects supporting this kind of efforts to provide a venue for the creatives and explore the intersection between arts and technology.

AMAC is a 2-day event, held last October 8–9, 2022 at the Ayala Malls Legazpi. It is known as the biggest celebration of creativity in Bicol. Spearheaded by Ownly and supported by SparkPoint, MetaGaming Guild, SparkLearn EdTech, Blockchain Space, CoinEx PH and by some media partners, BlockTides and Bitpinas.

The first day was about showcasing the crafts of distinguished creative entrepreneurs, artists and blockchain focused projects. There were music jams and exhibit booths that really added to the fun of the whole event!

Meanwhile, SparkPoint’s COO, Kristine Ibañezx participated on the second day of the event to introduce “The #BUIDLing Process with SparkTech.

And there have been various art and tech talks. Topics were about: Illustration with NFT, Fine Arts with NFT, Spoken Word with NFT and Branding/ Graphics Design with NFT.

5. CMO Drei and SLETI CEO Melissa participated in the Global Blockchain Summit 2022 panel discussions!

The Global Blockchain Summit is a premier event premier that brings blockchain experts, startup companies, government agencies, and global speakers to discuss current trends and the future state of #BlockchainTechnology. And we take pride in taking part in this summit!

Our CMO, Drei Bongalos, participated in the panel discussion with the topic “Countryside Web3 Ecosystems”, where members shared the progress they’ve been building in the countryside.

SparkLearn EdTech CEO, Melissa was also one of the speakers! She attended the panel discussion that tackled about Education — as to why it is a key in the mass uptake of Blockchain.

The summit was a 3-day event, that took place in the Bataan People’s Center, Balanga City, Bataan, Philippines last October 26–29, 2022. Organized by HRTECH500, also in collaboration with the Bataan Provincial Government, and supported by some event partners such as DICT (Department of Information and Communications Technology), ICT Industry Development Bureau, and SETPH (Stimulating the growth of Emerging Technologies in the Philippines.

It is always our pleasure to be invited in this kind of events, pushing the adoption and celebrating Web3!

📖 Read some of the live updates here.

6. Sparkies at the WEB3 PH Summit

The travels and IRL events didn’t stop there! Because the SparkPoint Officers attended the Web3 PH Summit at the Draper Startup House Manila last October 28–29, to connect with the various Blockchain Communities.

Web3PH is on a mission to push the country forward by empowering the next generation of builders, artists, and entrepreneurs.

Here are some live updates shared during the IRL event:

7. DIT Students from University of Cordilleras visited SparkPoint Headquarters!

We are glad to have visitors from University of Cordilleras at the SparkPoint Headquarters! These students are taking Doctor in Information Technology and as part of their ongoing research, they came over to know more about SparkPoint and SparkLearn and other startups here in the Bicol Region.

Our COO Ms. Tin Ibañez and SLETI’s CTO, Harvey, welcomed them and did the whole presentation and discussions about our existing products and services.

8. Melissa as representative of SLETI and SparkPoint for the Kumustahan Session of the Albay ICT Association (AICTA)

It’s been a while since the Albay ICT Association became inactive due to the pandemic, but the group is now back and just hosted an exclusive “Kumustahan Session” with some of the organization leaders including from the Department of DTI Region V. One of the participants is Ms. Melissa, the Co-Founder and CEO of SparkLearn, to represent also SparkPoint.

“Kumustahan” came from a root word “Kumusta” and that means “How are you?” in English. This session is to basically catch up with different groups or organizations and talk about various plans for ICT. While Melissa also had a chance to promote the upcoming Bicol Blockchain Conference this November 14, 2022.

9. The Bicol Blockchain Conference 2022 is coming!

Inspired by the oragon spirit of Bicolanos in Tech, the two Bicolano-led blockchain-focused startup, Ownly and SparkPoint, has set up to bring the largest gathering for Blockchain Technology- the Bicol Blockchain Conference 2022! Happening this November 14, 2022, at the Alicia Hotel Legazpi City, the event will be joined by various industry experts and Blockchain builders! Expected to be attended by more than a hundred participants coming from different nearby cities of Albay and guests from the Metro, the epicenter of Web3 adoption.

“Blockchain Found it’s New HOME, BICOL” is the event’s tagline, claiming that with the region’s thriving local tech industry, and startups, projects, and companies already beginning to venture into the world of blockchain, there is no doubt that Bicol will be the next fastest region to adopt and leverage this technology.

BBC 2022 is made possible by its co-presenter Department of Trade and Industry Region V, their sponsor Divina Law and Filipay, together with the official media and community partners, Block Tides, BitPinas, Asia Token Fund, CoinVoice, and Bicol IT. Of course, with the solid support from SparkLearn EdTech and MetaGaming Guild!

Know more about this event by visiting the official website.

What a month, Sparkies! And it’s obvious that with all those happenings, October made us all busy, from one event to another. But it’s been a productive month and STRONGER and BOLDER SparkPoint! Meeting a lot of Web3 enthusiasts was fun and more motivating for us to know there’s a huge community supporting each other’s advocacies.

To finish this one, on behalf of the whole SparkPoint Team, once again, I would like to thank all the Sparkies for sticking around since 2018! It’s been years of Connecting People and Blockchain Technology already! And the mission to Build a Better Future continues to ignite that spark! Driving us to keep on pushing ideas to innovation, and the mass adoption of the this disruptive technology. — Shane, SparkPoint SMS

But of course, there’s always more to come! And here’s our new set of targets before the year ends:

Learn more about SparkPoint and SparkSwap from the following links:

🏠 SparkPoint Website:
⚡️ SparkSwap Website:

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