The Most Dangerous Writing App

Daily Blog ThirtyNine/365

Nakul Gupta
2 min readSep 19, 2018


I am a big fan of Tyler Stalman’swork.

I watch his every Youtube Video and listen to every Podcast of his.

Recently in one of his podcast, he talked about various apps he uses on his MacBook.

With all the recommendations and suggestions in apps, he talked a little about A mouthful, right? I know.

It is a web app for writing. you can set a target for eg. write 500 words.

The thing with this service is you need to keep writing non-stop without a long pause or you will lose all the data.

I wrote two articles so far in it and one article even made it to a Publication in Medium called “Predict”.

The third article I attempted to complete in it didn’t see the daylight as I lost it before finishing it.

Damn it!

I chose the target as 500 words when the article only deserved a maximum of 400 words.

After that day I haven’t touched that services. It’s terrifying man. Everything I wrote just went to dust in a heartbeat.

The service is good but if you try to be too ambitious, you’re much prone to failure.

See you tomorrow


