WorkFlow for Small Sized Sales Team using Notion

Daily Blog TwentyNine/365

Nakul Gupta
2 min readAug 18, 2018


This is a brief overview of all the pages you will need to create when starting to get onboard with Notion to manage your Sales Team.

Sales Person Name


  • Pipeline
  • Maintained by the salesperson administrated by the Sales Head and then Sales head can share it with the higher power.
  • The pipeline will be provided in Table Format to the Sales Team.

Subscription Renewal coming up

  • Subscription Manager will add the renewal cases in each salesperson database.
  • The sales person has to maintain the list with the proper status update.
  • Subscription Renewal Data will be provided in Table Format to the Sales Team

Monthly Sales Report

  • The sales person has to maintain the report administrated by the Sales Head for verification which will be further shared with their bosses.
  • Monthly Sales Report will be provided in Table Format to the Sales Team

Todo List

  • This list will be for Salesperson only, and they can use it however they like.
  • Todo list format can be in Table or Board format.
  • Particular attention will be given to Expected closure date or month so that it can be viewed in the Calendar format as well.

Meeting Notes

  • The Sales Team will log their Minutes or Meeting, Important Calls here.
  • This list will be shared with the Sales Head.
  • Using Templates feature a set guided MOM format will be provided to the Sales Person.

Contact Database

  • The Sales Team will add all their customers’ contact details here.
  • This will be shared with the Sales Head
  • Contact Database format will be provided in Table to the Sales Team

Business Cards

  • The Sales Person will take the photo of each business card they receive from their customer and put it on this page.
  • Later they can input the data into the Contact Database.

Work Ideas (optional)

  • This page can be put optional, but I will highly suggest to have it and used to input work ideas to make your work simpler.


  • This is the most crucial Page of all.
  • The Salesperson will input all the notes they have during the day here and sort them about later.
  • This way the salesperson will not have to go to the respective page and waste time as the information may get partially lost in the effort to find the correct Page.

I will be going through each of these Pages in detail on how you can get started and manage work as I do.

See you Tomorrow


