Submission Guidelines

Publication Guidelines for The EXPANSION

Just out of the oven, piping hot

Shalu Bajaj Ahuja
Published in
4 min readAug 26, 2021


Dear fellow travelers, on the journey of discovering and harmonizing the paradoxes of life,

We want to extend you a warm welcome to The EXPANSION publication!

This is a dedicated space for all of us to share our experiences, discoveries, and expansions in our perspectives about being human.

I am 43, and while making my entry into the fifth decade of my life, I discovered myself living cliches — time speeds up when you have children. It is an effect of middle age and the acceptance of mortality, I thought. How ignorant I was in not noticing the Expansion back then. You can know more about me and my discoveries here.

The EXPANSION that we all go through when we travel inwards — in our mind, heart, and soul — and develop the capacity to oscillate free between the paradoxes of being and becoming.

The EXPANSION is what we all go through when we travel inwards — in our mind, heart, and soul.

I believe we can intentionally create EXPANSION in our lives by introspection, reflection, and honoring each part of ourselves.



Shalu Bajaj Ahuja

An engineer & manager by education, people leader by profession, and Parent Coach & children’s book author by passion!