Can you see my screen?

Jonas Björk
The Fedora Idea
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2022
Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash

Fedora uses Wayland instead of Xorg which makes things kind of strange sometimes. One such thing is that you can’t share your screen with Slack, Google Meet and so on. The best you can share is a black screen, and how fun is that?


To fix share screen in Slack we create a new slack.desktop file in our home directory that will override the original one.

$ vi ~/.local/share/applications/slack.desktop

Copy the following into that file:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Slack Desktop
GenericName=Slack Client for Linux
Exec=/usr/bin/slack --enable-features=WebRTCPipeWireCapturer %U

Save the file and start Slack with the Slack icon in application list.

There is still an issue, when you choose to share your screen it will show you white boxes instead of what to share. It’s annoying, but the screen sharing works.

Google Meet in Google Chrome

If you use Google Meet you are probably a Google Chrome user too. To get the screen sharing work in Google Chrome you need to enable something called webrtc-pipewire-capturer . Just type chrome://flags/#enable-webrtc-pipewire-capturer in the address field in Chrome and you will get there. Click on the button to the left and select Enabled , then you restart Chrome.

If you are using Mozilla Firefox screen sharing should work in Google Meet out of the box.



Jonas Björk
The Fedora Idea

Linux user since 1994. Working professionally with Linux and Open Source since 2000. Fedora on desktop and RHEL/Rocky/CentOS everywhere else.