Force user to change password at login

Jonas Björk
The Fedora Idea
Published in
Nov 22, 2023
Photo by NFT gallery on Unsplash

When we create a new user account in Fedora Linux, say user account douglas, we often set a random password for the account. If we want to force the user to change that password at first login we can use --expire with the passwd command.

$ sudo passwd --expire douglas

When douglas logs in, he will receive this message:

WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for douglas.
Current password:

Now douglas can choose his own password, unknown for us.



Jonas Björk
The Fedora Idea

Linux user since 1994. Working professionally with Linux and Open Source since 2000. Fedora on desktop and RHEL/Rocky/CentOS everywhere else.