Multiple identities with git

Jonas Björk
The Fedora Idea
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2023
Photo by Patrick Amoy on Unsplash

Let’s say you have a computer that you use for commiting changes to private, public and work repositories with git. Every time you enter that git commit command you have to think: do I use the correct .gitconfig now? Not any more!

⚠ Note that the .gitconfig -files should be saved in your home directory.

Let’s say that I want to default on my name Tyrell Wellick and the email adress . I make my .gitconfig file look like this:

name = Tyrell Wellick
email =

So far, so good. At my work we have a git server that I reach with the address ssh:// . When I commit to that server I want to use my corporate address and also I want to sign my commits with GPG. Let’s create a .gitconfig-ecorp file with the following configuration:

name = Tyrell Wellick
email =
sigingkey = 0123456789ABCDEF

gpgsign = true

Ok, first of all. To find your signing key ID you use the gpg command. You can also skip the signingkey and commit/gpgsign parts in the example above if you don’t want to use GPG signing for your commits.

$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
sec ed25519/0123456789ABCDEF 2022-09-12 [SC] [expires: 2027-09-11]
uid [ultimate] Tyrell Wellick <>
ssb cv25519/FEDCBA9876543210 2022-09-12 [E] [expires: 2027-09-11]

Your signing key ID is on the second row, in my example above you’ll see 0123456789ABCDEF as an example.

So now we have edited and saved the .gitconfig-ecorp file and want to conditionally include that file if we are working with the git server. Let’s open the .gitconfig file again:

name = Tyrell Wellick
email =

In that file we add the following:

name = Tyrell Wellick
email =

[includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:ssh://**"]
path = ~/.gitconfig-ecorp

That’s it. Now git will take care of your identity and use the default ( if you are git commiting to a repo, but if you are working with a repo from repo server you’ll get the identity of .

Oh, if you wonder how you are GPG-signing a git commit. Add -S to the git commit command, like this: git commit -S .

Versions used in this article

$ cat /etc/redhat-release ; git --version ; rpm -q git-core
Fedora release 38 (Thirty Eight)
git version 2.41.0



Jonas Björk
The Fedora Idea

Linux user since 1994. Working professionally with Linux and Open Source since 2000. Fedora on desktop and RHEL/Rocky/CentOS everywhere else.