ProSpecks of Cinema — A new series by Film Profile

Surabhi Mathur
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2023

Hello fellow film lovers,

As lovers of cinema, we at Film Profile love stories. Stories that make us dream bigger than our circumstances. Stories that make us feel more than we care to admit. Stories that make us fall in love with love. Stories that guide us towards a better tomorrow. Stories that make us believe in magic, and the unknown.

But, there are those who make these stories come to life. The countless people involved in this profession, who give their sweat and blood — to make a living, to attain fame, to change lives, and to entertain us — only the way cinema can.

ProSpecks of Cinema is an attempt by Film Profile to shine light on the stories of people from the film industry, who are known, but aren’t famous. Who have made it, but haven’t made it big. Who are working day and night towards their dream, yet have a lot to dream. Whom we recognize in cafes, but cannot remember their names.

They are the specks in a space, where even though we only see the stars, they enable them to shine. They are the specks because of whom we understand what ‘making it’ truly is. They are the specks who define what having hope truly means.

And, despite shining relentlessly, these specks remain in the shadows. Until someone truly sees them, and decides to tell their stories.

Because, we believe every story has something to say. And like we said in the beginning, we at Film Profile love stories!

So stay tuned!
Team Film Profile

