The Sopranos is one of the greatest TV dramas of all time

Surabhi Mathur
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2 min readJan 15, 2022
The Sopranos

In an age where a 15 second reels on a popular song attracts millions of eyeballs every month, it has become a thing of the past to sit back and indulge in a slow burning show. But, if you are dying to dedicate yourself to a viewing experience that would stop you, shock you, thoroughly entertain you, and in fact make you go like

Shhhh! I am watching something.

It’s The Sopranos.

Hi! I am Surabhi from the Film Profile and today in FP Recommends, we are celebrating this iconic TV drama that premiered in the late 90s and single-handedly changed the face of television forever.

A story about an Italian mobster who is a family man with his personal struggles, The Sopranos is a show that despite being centered around a world that none of us have directly experienced, watching it, you are guaranteed to find something from your own life being played on TV.

With characters who are still celebrated two decades later, The Sopranos is unanimously considered as one of the greatest TV shows of all time across the globe. Watch it to experience the best acting on television along with a storyline that spectacularly succeeds in grabbing you in the very first frame, taking you for a 6-season-long ride that keeps on giving.

Tony Soprano

