About This Blog

Who I am and why I write this blog

Ryan Knightly
The Floating Point
2 min readJun 26, 2017


The aim of this blog is to share what I have learned during my various software developing projects as well as to learn from the community of readers how to write better software and also how to write better period.

About Me

In a nutshell, I am a student who enjoys software development. My past projects range from probabilistic simulators written in Python to Twitter bots written in JavaScript to several iPhone apps written in Swift. From these several projects, I have experienced and learned a few things that I feel are important to share, and I aim to do so on this blog. I will share not only what I have learned in the past but also what I learn in my ongoing experiences as a developer.

I believe that sharing these lessons is important because I know how such writing is critical for my own solving of the various problems I encounter in my projects. As a result, I hope to share what I have learned the hard way so that others won’t have to spend as much time solving the same problems.

Of course, I recognize the fact that there still is (and will always be) a world of information to learn, which is why I am also deeply interested in the knowledge base that the readers have to offer.

With that, I hope you enjoy this blog and find something useful to you; that would mean this project is a success.


Most of the images I use are from Pixabay.com, and although they don’t require an attribution, they surely deserve one.

