Brian Bassard
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2019


When most people think about having an idea for a company, the typical explanation is the “lightbulb” or “ah hah!” moment in that which entrepreneurs build on. With our team and myself, that wasn’t quite the case.

We first embarked on this mission with the hopes of connecting creators locally. For the past decade, I have been working in photography professionally and was annoyed there wasn’t an easier way to connect with creators around me. With this as our drive, we wanted to build community as well as visibility for creators so they could not only connect with each other but also let their community enjoy and support their craft. There was a realization that this wave of creators and makers was only the beginning and there would be nothing stopping this train. While on this course we realized something; our passion is much more than connecting creators, we want to support and sustain creators.

With conviction in our hearts, we went back to the drawing board. What does our community want and need? Censorship, privacy, and data are all things that plague our communities but what they also lack are tools to support the backbone of their platforms, the creators. It’s a bit of a balancing act, isn’t it? Any online community where platforms are thriving off of users consuming content are heavily relying on those creating content. Yet, the real customer and focus is neither the consumer or the creator, it’s the advertisers. As we’ve seen and heard time and time again, these negatives that we face in these online communities are a large result of ad based business models where the main drive of the platforms is attention, not value.


Juxt is a creator supported free online community where any user can post any medium be it a photo, video, audio, or writing without censorship or selling your data. Built into the platform are multiple monetization tools for peer to peer transactions in which we take a small percentage to sustain the platform. Whether you are a photographer, influencer, educator or independent newsgroup, our passion is to support your passion. For those that enjoy business jargon, this takes the norm of online communities being a B2C model into more of a B2B focus. For us, this could not be more fitting. Creators and Influencers ARE the small businesses of the Millennial and Gen Z generation.


For the consumer, we’re building you a platform where you can share all the things you normally would want to with your friends and family without having to worry about your data and privacy being corrupted. You’ll also be able to enjoy content like never before and if you choose, support the creators you love.

Creators. For the first time, you will be able to post and share your content alongside every other medium on a platform that supports you and wants to see you grow. At your fingertips, you will have multiple possibilities of revenue to sustain your content.

With only being a month or so out from our beta launch, we hope that you will follow alongside us and our journey. The beta will be just a small bit of what we hope to do but we ask for your patience, trust and support in our cause. Please follow along on any of our social channels as well as sign up for our newsletter to add beta tester. If you are a creator, please reach out to us personally as we’d love to connect with you and even show you our demo in person and get your insights and concerns.


Brian Bassard

CoFounder and CEO



Brian Bassard
Editor for

CEO of the Juxt and serial entrepreneur. Jack of many trades, master of few. Interested in world-changing ideas. Literature newb.