Fake Hijab Cutting Story Goes International, Actual Assault on Child Goes Unnoticed.

Samuel M.
The Focus
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2018

This week, a story from my home town made international headlines. The story told of an 11 year old muslim girl being attacked by a man with scissors, who cut her hijab.

The story is a lie for which no one will be held accountable. Despite untold thousands spent on a fictitious investigation and a media circus, the media, government, and police refuse to place any blame whatsoever on the parents who allowed this child’s lie to become an international sensation. Let’s not be naive. This is not typical 11 year old behaviour. Yes, children lie, but when it is the child lying on their own, it often isn’t hard to expose. Further, the alleged attack was in daytime, in a public, well-trafficked area. It should have taken little time to expose. As the mother herself said “this is not Canada”. If you know that, why did you not give the situation a good hard look before placing your daughter on television? The fact that this lie wasn’t caught right away raises serious suspicion about the motives of the parents and involved officials.

When the story was revealed as a lie, it broke a tidy world-view narrative. Thus, utter rejection of the premise. Take a look at Trudeau’s interview at 0:11 onward, it’s almost like he can’t accept that he was lied to, and completely deflects from answering. Hearing his answer in isolation would give zero indication that he is aware the child lied. This sort of tactic is shameful, and the exact lack of accountability that has led to a global political order dominated by tweets and smear campaigns.


Also this week, a Jewish girl in Paris arrived home bloodied from being assaulted outside her school. The girl was wearing her school uniform, clearly identifying her as a student of a local Jewish private school. I have so far failed to find the story reported in any international publications.


As reported in France and several other European countries, many, if not most, Jewish students do not attend public schools due to the constant assaults and beatings they endure with zero government protection or recourse.

Unfortunately, not all children’s stories are treated equally. Apparently, “truth” is not a factor in determining which ones receive preference.


