Israel Fights for Survival as Middle East Narrative Disintegrates

Samuel M.
The Focus
Published in
1 min readMar 30, 2018

It is unbelievable to me to watch as the Land Day protests unfold in Gaza, and the media continues their tut-tutting of Israel’s “colonialism”.

This is an event literally dedicated to destroying Israel, to replacing the world’s only jewish country with its 50-something-th Arab one.

From Hamas senior political leader Ismail Haniyeh: “we will not concede a single inch of the land of Palestine”.

And: “There is no alternative to Palestine and no solution except to return.”

This is not complicated. This man, and his supporters, want to replace Israel with Palestine. With another totalitarian regime, run by religious zealots who punish basic freedoms of speech, mobility, and activity. Why would anyone in the world support this goal?

Israel has repeatedly called for a two-state solution. A request it’s made ever since the UN granted Jews a state in 1948 and the surrounding Arab countries went to war rather than recognize it (they lost). Hamas is calling for the destruction of an entire country’s population. How is everyone okay with that!?

