Mocking Donald Trump is Just as Pathetic as Donald Trump

Samuel M.
The Focus
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2018

At last night’s Grammy Awards, the world was treated to a skit in which famous singers and Hillary Clinton read excerpts from the Fire and Fury book about Donald Trump. The excerpts they chose included remarks on Trump’s hair, his food preferences, and his paranoia.

I can assume that these same celebrities eventually proceeded back to their mansions, to proudly pat themselves on the back for a job well done.

I’d like to put forward a different opinion. That this is pathetic. Trump has made horrendous policy decisions that deserve to be examined and questioned. His hair, eating habits, and personal anxieties do not. For celebrities to lower themselves to personal attacks dilutes debate about Trump policy and positions left wingers on the same, low plane as Trump supporters, full of vitriol, hate, and meaningless anger.

I also want to point out how hypocritical these individuals are. Living lives of opulent wealth is a direct contributor to global levels of inequality, which in turns feeds poverty, conflict, and poor health. May I ask what exactly Cardi B is doing to help the world? Unless you are part of the solution, stop complaining. And, at the least, if you must complain, don’t belittle yourself to personal attacks.

While we are distracted by Trump’s haircut, Yemen is devolving into conflict again, parts of South Africa face drought, civil unrest in Venezuela continues, and Afghanistan was just hit by two major terrorist attacks.

