Oilsands Ponds a Black Spot on Canada, Literally and Figuratively

Samuel M.
The Focus
Published in
1 min readJan 16, 2018
A scarecrow set up in a tailings pond. Tailings ponds represent perhaps the most serious environmental challenge facing the oilsands industry. — Ian Willms/The New York Times files — Courtesy National Post

Alberta’s tailings ponds cover about 97 square miles and hold 340 billion gallons of waste, and the problem has exacerbated at a faster rate than expected. Provincial regulators estimate that cleaning up oilsands facilities represents a $27 billion liability, of which the major oil companies most directly involved have posted only about $1 billion in security.

As government and corporate interests continue to avoid costly clean up solutions in favour of biding their time in the hopes of a future, cheaper fix, the situation continues to worsen.


