[Introduction to HERO #004] Philosopher Aristotle

Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2022

HERO Information

Aristotle is an Uncommon Hero NFT and is a relatively new addition to the heroes of the MyCryptoHeroes world, thus let me help you on how to utilize the hero for maximum effect in the team!

The following image will show the default max values of Aristotle:


If we see the stats of Aristotle, he is a high INT hero which means he can be a good healer or a strong damage dealer. Furthermore, he has a high HP stat but very low PHY and AGI stats. Thus:

Aristotle can be used in two roles:

1. Support Role

To make an effective support, please use healing extensions with high AGI and INT, the reason being, you are not a stand alone damage dealer and if your damage goes then you are of no use. Thus, HP need not be focused.

However, high AGI is needed to make sure that in each round, you are able to heal before damage is dealt to your damage dealer.

2. Damage Role

To make a strong damage dealer, Aristotle needs high INT and AGI, reason being, his agiity is very low and therefore, your opponent will have an upper hand in the combat.

However, you can also make a combination of HP, INT and AGI build, but that decreases the true potential of the hero.

Some suggestions on supporting extensions series are:

  1. Longisquama Series
  2. Orb Series

Suggestions for damage extension series are:

  1. Stego Series
  2. Talisman Series

Since Aristotle is an INT type but weak AGI status, so when playing with him in quests, you should put the following skills on him.

HERO Story

Aristotle is a famous Greek intellectual of the 4th century BC, well known for his works in the field of philosophy which formed the base for the entire field of psychology. He is also famous for his theory of aether, the fifth element, which was said to fill the universe!

Market Information

The hero is available in the in-game market at 560 GUM (approx $150) as of 22-March-2022

You can also get the hero on the secondary markets like Tofu NFT and Opensea etc. You can also join the discord channel and negotiate the prices with the current NFT holders ( we also conduct events where you can win extensions!)

The current market prices for Aristotle are as follows:

In Opensea and discord, the price is around 0.025 eth (~$74)

In TofuNFT, the price is around 45 Matic (~$68)

Following are the links to various market places:

TofuNFT :

Opensea :

Discord :

A little understanding of the Japanese terminology for the marketplace:
First of all, “出” means “For Sale”. Also, “求” means “price”.

Aristotle is “アリストテレス” in Japanese, so look for this character!

We also have a video guide created by Batou San for the hero Aristotle and to access it please click here

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” — Aristotle

