[Event] The quiz event is coming to the Twitter-verse! [Now being held!]

Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2022

Hey guys!
Thanks again for being a part of our events!

Today we have a new event to share with you!
What a surprise, we’ve decided to change some of the rules for the quiz events that are always held on Discord, and we’ll be holding them on Twitter on a regular basis!

The rules are simple!
You will be asked a quiz like the one shown below.
Reply to the tweet that posted the quiz with the correct answer!

For example, for the above quiz, reply with the name of the HERO with the highest INT status value among the three HEROs.

1. Follow the FoxTeam account
2. Retweet the quiz tweet
3. Reply with your answer
4. Like to the quiz tweet

Solving period: one week
Prize: UncommonExtension for one lucky winner drawn from those who answer correctly

The quiz will be posted, unannounced, from the following accounts!
Guys, follow the accounts and check out the posts!


