10 Exciting Python Project Ideas for Beginners in 2023

Sarang S. Babu
The Fresh Writes
Published in
8 min readMar 1, 2023


Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language that’s widely used in different industries like web development, data science, and artificial intelligence. Python has a vast library of modules and packages to explore. In this blog, we’ll be sharing ten exciting Python project ideas that beginners can try out in 2023.


If you’ve recently started learning Python, then you’ll love the 10 project ideas we have for you in this blog. These projects are beginner-friendly and will help you gain practical knowledge of Python programming concepts. By working on these projects, you can develop a strong foundation for your future programming endeavors. From games to web scraping to data analysis, these projects offer a diverse range of experiences to explore.

Get ready to explore the ten most popular Python project ideas as we take you through each one of them in this blog. 1. Hangman Game 1. Tic-Tac-Toe Game 1. Weather App 1. Rock, Paper, Scissors Game 1. URL Shortener 1. Instagram Bot 1. Password Generator 1. Calculator 1. Web Scraper 1. Data Analysis of COVID-19 Cases

Python Project Ideas

Let us get started with project ideas now -

Hangman Game

A Hangman Game using Python is an excellent project for beginners learning programming basics. It involves guessing a word by suggesting letters and drawing a part of the hangman for every incorrect guess.

Create a list of words and select one randomly. Display the word as underscores, prompt the user to guess a letter, and replace the underscore with the correct letter.

Draw the hangman for incorrect guesses, and offer the option to play again or quit. This project teaches string manipulation, conditional statements, and user input/output, making it a fun and educational challenge for beginners.

You make this game using just the built-in libraries that come with Python. This means you won’t need to install any external libraries or packages.

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Tic-Tac-Toe is a classic two-player game that has been around for generations. The game involves placing either an X or an O on a 3x3 grid, and the first player to get three in a row wins.

To create a Tic-Tac-Toe game in Python, you don’t need any external libraries. Basic Python data structures such as lists or dictionaries can be used to represent the game board and keep track of player moves.

At the beginning of the game, an empty 3x3 grid is displayed to the players. The players then take turns placing their marks on the grid, and each move is validated to ensure that they are not placing their mark on an already occupied cell.

Once a player places their mark, the game checks if that player has won the game. If not, the game continues until one player wins or the board is filled.

To implement the game logic, you can use Python’s built-in functions such as input() and print() to get user input and display the game board, respectively. Additionally, conditional statements and loops are used to keep track of the game state and determine the winner.

Weather App

A Weather App in Python is a useful application that allows users to get real-time weather information for any location in the world. The app can be created using an API that provides weather data for specific locations.

To create a Weather App in Python, we need to use a library such as Requests or urllib to make API requests to weather data providers such as OpenWeatherMap, AccuWeather, or WeatherAPI.

We can then use JSON or XML parsing libraries such as json or XML.etree.ElementTree to extract the relevant data from the API response.

Once we have obtained the weather data, we can use libraries like tkinter or PyQt to create a GUI interface for the application. The GUI interface can display information such as the current temperature, weather conditions, and forecast for the next few days.

Also, read — How to Create a GUI App in Java

Users can enter a location or use their device’s GPS to automatically retrieve the weather data for their current location.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

To make a Rock, Paper, Scissors game in Python, you can start by using the built-in libraries such as random and input/output functions such as print and input.

First, the user is prompted to enter their choice of rock, paper, or scissors, and the computer’s choice is randomly generated. The user’s choice is then compared to the computer’s choice to determine the winner, based on the game’s rules.

You can also add extra features to the game such as keeping score, allowing the user to play multiple rounds and creating a graphical user interface using a library such as pygame or tkinter.

With these additional features, you can create an engaging and interactive game that players can enjoy for hours.

URL Shortener

Creating a URL shortener in Python is a straightforward process that can be achieved using a web framework and some libraries. With URL shortening, you can transform long, unwieldy URLs into short and manageable links that are easy to share and remember.

To get started, you can use a web framework like Flask or Django to create the application. You will also need a library to generate unique and random strings for the shortened URLs. Python provides a built-in module called ‘random’ that you can use to generate random strings.

Once you have set up the framework and generated the shortened URL, you can store it in a database along with its corresponding long URL. When a user clicks on the shortened link, the application retrieves the long URL from the database and redirects the user to the original URL.

Python provides several libraries that make working with web frameworks and databases a breeze. You can use libraries like Flask, Django, SQLAlchemy, and PyMongo to build a URL shortener with ease.

Instagram Bot

Creating an Instagram bot in Python can help automate repetitive tasks on the social media platform. One way to achieve this is by using the Instagram Private API library, which allows us to interact with Instagram and simulate user actions like liking posts, commenting, following users, and unfollowing them.

To use the Instagram Private API, we first need to create an Instagram account and generate an access token. Once we have the access token, we can use it to authenticate our bot and perform actions on behalf of the user. We can then use Python to create a script that interacts with the API and performs actions such as liking posts or following users.

It’s important to note that Instagram has strict guidelines on automation, and using bots can lead to account suspension or termination. Therefore, it’s essential to follow Instagram’s guidelines and use bots responsibly to avoid any negative consequences.

Password Generator

A Password Generator in Python is a program that creates strong and unique passwords for users. It uses the random library to generate random characters and numbers, and the string library to get a list of possible characters for the password.

To create a Password Generator, you can start by asking the user for the length of the password they want to create. Then, use the random library to select random characters from the string library to create the password.

You can also give the user the option to include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters in their password.

With a Password Generator in Python, users can easily create secure passwords that are difficult to guess, helping to protect their personal information and online accounts from unauthorized access.


A calculator is a fundamental tool in programming that performs arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Creating a calculator in Python is easy and does not require any external libraries.

To create a calculator, we can use basic arithmetic operators and get input from the user for the numbers and the operation they want to perform.

Then we can write functions for each arithmetic operation and call them based on the user’s choice. We can also include error handling to prevent the program from crashing if the input is invalid.

Building a calculator in Python is an excellent project for beginners to learn about basic data types, operators, and functions.

Web Scraper

Web scraping is the process of getting data from websites, and it’s a common practice in Python using the BeautifulSoup library.

To do web scraping, you’ll use the requests library to send HTTP/1.1 requests and Beautiful Soup to parse the HTML and XML documents. These libraries work together to make it easy to extract the relevant data you need from a website.

By web scraping, you can collect data from multiple web pages and consolidate it into one dataset, which you can use for analysis or other purposes.

However, it’s crucial to respect the website’s terms of service and ensure that you’re not violating any copyright or intellectual property laws when scraping data.


Creating a basic chatbot in Python is a fun project that can help you learn how to build conversational interfaces. One of the most popular libraries to create chatbots is the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK).

To create a basic chatbot using NLTK, follow these steps:

1. Install NLTK: Use pip to install NLTK library in your Python environment.

2. Import necessary libraries: Import the required libraries, including the NLTK library and any other libraries you may need.

3. Preprocess data: Tokenize and stem the data to help the chatbot understand user input.

4. Train the chatbot: Provide the chatbot with sample conversations to learn from by creating a corpus of text data.

5. Test the chatbot: Interact with the chatbot and evaluate its responses after training.


In this blog, we have explored various Python projects and how to make them. So, If you’re looking for some fun Python projects to explore in 2023, you’ve got plenty of options! Just remember that the best way to learn Python is to practice as much as possible. As you work on these projects, you’ll start to understand the programming concepts better and gain useful experience that can benefit you in your future career.

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Sarang S. Babu
The Fresh Writes

A tech enthusiast with a great taste in technology, avid gamer and a marketer by profession. 😎