10 Things I Don’t Spend On And Save 3,000 $ And Upwards A Year

Payal A Kumar
The Fresh Writes
Published in
5 min readFeb 20, 2023

We all have different spending habits, some are great some not so great.

I believe we all have a right and choice to live as we want so ofcourse you may or may not resonate with some of them.

But HEY! they will save you $$ if you give them a go!

Minimalism is the common string among these habits.

1. Manicures

Manicures are not great for nail health, plus personally they in -convenience me.

I prefer to keep my nails as they are, just cut short keep them clean.

Expense Per Year : 30$ x 12 = 360$

2. Coffee

Coffee can make you age, good enough reason to quit

Another one, it can cause anxiety, I’ve witnessed this.

Hence I limit mine to once in a blue moon, when sleep has been limited

Expense Per Month : 4$ x 30 = 120$

3. Shower gels and Toners

Shower gels, switched with natural home made soaps.

More affordable and kinder on the skin

Toners are a must to prep skin, I stick to rose water (organic) saves on the extra bills

Bi Yearly Expense : Toner 40$ x 2 = 80$


Bi Yearly Expense : Organic Rose water toner 3$ x 2 = 6$

Yearly Expense : Shower Gel: 10$ x 4=40 $


Yearly Expense : Soap : 2$ x 4= 8$

4. Subscriptions

I’ve never had a subscription for Netflix, Spotify or the likes.

Courses which add value such as Udemy YES! so ignore those

Netflix has a great team working on ensuring you’re kept glued to the screen, I stray away. Borrow netflix password or stick to good old free Youtube

Spotify, yes I am frugal but hey I’d don’t mind listening to a few ads here and there here’s why :)

Add up all your subscriptions average at 30$ x12 = 260$

5. Movies

Going for a movie

Watching movie at home — Renting, streaming

Movie + popcorn = 30$ x 5 = 150$

6. Expensive Material things

Designer bags, luxury clothes bad for the environment bad for your pocket

Yearly upward of 4,000 $

Except for maybe investments in Bikin’s

7. Credit Cards

It’s always been a NO — NO for me, it requires time to maintain and pay bills you may not have

Yearly upward of 1,000$ include interest and maintenance fees + time

8. Make up

A vicious cycle, you watch a video get 5 products, they finish you get more, try more and on and on…

(Inserts Rabbit wheel Giphy here)

Yearly expense = 50$ x 12 = 600$

9. 5 star / Expensive hotels

When I travel I don’t spend on hotels/stay I focus on safety and cleanliness all else is secondary because I’m there to experience the place not the bed or the soft smelling towels!

Sometimes it’s worth the luxury, most times not!

10. Discounts

Discounts are a trap, I work in E-commerce

Sale happens for 2 main reasons

  1. To deplete stock
  2. To stay ahead of competition

You think you’re saving 30% but you’re spending the 70%

Example a simple Zara T-shirt

Cost 100$

After discount 70$

You spend 70$, just not 100$ — on something you will wear once or twice in life.

Is it worth it? You decide!

There you’ve saved a minimum of 1,000$ and you were wondering why you couldn’t afford that vacation in Bali, when other’s could

Let this be the year you experience life more!

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I would love to hear what your money saving hacks are?



Payal A Kumar
The Fresh Writes

Self Employed, nature preserver (trying!) sharing life journey through my lens, heart & soul and full discloser it can be deep {connect on @payalakumar}