Elasticsearch Explained: How It Works and Why It Matters

Marat Miftakhov
The Fresh Writes
Published in
9 min readApr 11, 2023


Elasticsearch is an open-source, distributed search and analytics engine designed to solve complex search and data analysis problems at scale. It is built on top of Apache Lucene, a powerful search engine library written in Java, and provides a RESTful API to interact with the data.

In simple terms, Elasticsearch is a search engine that allows you to store, search, and analyze large volumes of data quickly and in near real-time. It can be used for a variety of use cases, including log analysis, e-commerce search, content search, and more.

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One of the main benefits of Elasticsearch (basically, the reason why it’s called “elastic”) is its ability to scale horizontally, which means it can handle large volumes of data across multiple nodes or servers. This allows organizations to easily add or remove nodes as needed to meet their performance and storage requirements.

Elasticsearch also provides a powerful query language that allows users to search and analyze their data in various ways. It supports full-text search, aggregations, filtering, and more, and allows users to perform complex queries using Boolean logic, wildcards, and regular expressions. It’s even possible to use SQL to query data.

Another key feature of Elasticsearch is its ability to handle unstructured data. It can index and search data in various formats, including JSON, CSV, and XML, making it a versatile tool for handling different types of data.

What’s inside

inverted index in elasticsearch

Elasticsearch uses a data structure called an inverted index to store and retrieve data. An inverted index is a data structure that maps each term or token in a document to the documents that contain it. This makes it efficient to search for documents that contain specific terms or phrases.

In Elasticsearch, each index consists of one or more shards, which are the basic units of data distribution and replication. Each shard is an inverted index that contains a subset of the data in the index, and is stored on a separate node in a cluster. This allows Elasticsearch to distribute data across multiple nodes, which improves performance and resilience.

When data is indexed in Elasticsearch, it is broken down into smaller units called terms. Each term is then analyzed, which involves applying various text processing techniques such as stemming, stopword removal, and lowercase normalization. The resulting tokens are then added to the inverted index along with information about the documents they appear in.

When a query is executed, Elasticsearch retrieves the relevant terms from the inverted index and uses them to identify the documents that match the query. This process is optimized using techniques such as caching, query rewriting, and distributed search.


Elasticsearch is built on top of Apache Lucene, a powerful search engine library written in Java. Lucene provides the core search engine functionality that Elasticsearch uses to index and search data.

Lucene provides a set of low-level APIs for creating and manipulating inverted indexes, as well as a query language for searching them. It also includes advanced features such as scoring and relevance ranking, which are used by Elasticsearch to return the most relevant results for a given query.

Elasticsearch extends Lucene by providing a distributed, RESTful API and adding additional functionality such as support for complex aggregations, faceting, and filtering. Elasticsearch also provides a distributed indexing and search infrastructure that allows data to be spread across multiple nodes in a cluster, providing scalability and fault tolerance.


Elasticsearch does not support transactions in the traditional sense that is found in relational databases. Transactions are a set of operations that are grouped together and either all succeed or all fail as a single unit. Elasticsearch does not provide this capability natively.

Elasticsearch is a distributed system designed to provide high performance and scalability for search and analytics use cases. It stores data in a distributed manner across multiple nodes in a cluster, with each node responsible for a portion of the data. This distributed architecture makes it difficult to implement transactions in the traditional sense because there is no centralized control over the data.

However, Elasticsearch does provide some mechanisms for ensuring data consistency and integrity. For example, Elasticsearch supports versioning of documents, which allows you to track changes to documents over time and detect conflicts when multiple users attempt to modify the same document concurrently. Additionally, Elasticsearch provides optimistic concurrency control, which allows multiple users to read and write to the same document simultaneously, while ensuring that conflicts are resolved in a consistent manner.

Elasticsearch vs OpenSearch

Elasticsearch and OpenSearch are both open-source distributed search and analytics engines. Elasticsearch was originally created by Elastic, while OpenSearch is a community-driven, open-source fork of Elasticsearch. While the two projects share many similarities, there are also some key differences between them.

One of the main differences between Elasticsearch and OpenSearch is their governance and ownership. Elasticsearch is owned by Elastic, a company that provides commercial products and services based on Elasticsearch. OpenSearch, on the other hand, is governed by an open-source community and is designed to be truly open-source with no proprietary code or licensing.

Another key difference is the development model. While Elasticsearch is developed and maintained primarily by Elastic, OpenSearch is developed and maintained by a community of contributors. This community-driven approach has led to a more rapid pace of innovation and development in OpenSearch.

In terms of features and functionality, Elasticsearch and OpenSearch are quite similar, and both provide powerful search and analytics capabilities. However, OpenSearch has added some additional features and capabilities that are not available in Elasticsearch, such as support for more data sources and integrations, and improved security features.

Finally, another key difference between Elasticsearch and OpenSearch is their licensing model. Elasticsearch is available under the Elastic License, which includes some restrictions on commercial use and redistribution. OpenSearch, on the other hand, is available under the Apache 2.0 license, which is more permissive and allows for unrestricted use and redistribution.

Logstash and Kibana

Elasticsearch also integrates with other open-source technologies such as Logstash and Kibana to provide a complete end-to-end solution for log analysis, monitoring, and visualization.

Logstash and Kibana are two popular open-source tools that are commonly used in conjunction with Elasticsearch to build end-to-end data pipelines for processing and analyzing data.

Logstash is a data processing pipeline that can ingest data from a wide range of sources, transform and filter the data, and then send it to Elasticsearch for indexing and search. It provides a large number of plugins for ingesting data from various sources such as databases, file systems, messaging systems, and more. Once the data has been processed by Logstash, it can be indexed and searched using Elasticsearch.

Kibana is a powerful data visualization and exploration tool that provides a web interface for querying and visualizing data stored in Elasticsearch. It provides a variety of visualizations such as line charts, histograms, and maps, as well as tools for building dashboards and reports. With Kibana, users can easily explore and analyze data stored in Elasticsearch, and share their findings with others.

Both Logstash and Kibana have tight integrations with Elasticsearch, and are often used together as part of a complete data pipeline. Logstash can be used to preprocess and ingest data into Elasticsearch, while Kibana can be used to visualize and explore the data once it has been indexed.

Additionally, Logstash and Kibana can be used together to build complete end-to-end data pipelines for processing, analyzing, and visualizing data. For example, data can be ingested by Logstash from various sources, transformed and filtered, indexed by Elasticsearch, and then visualized and analyzed using Kibana.


And that’s it. That was a full guide to Elasticsearch. In summary, Elasticsearch is a powerful search and analytics engine that provides a scalable and flexible solution for storing, searching, and analyzing data. Its ability to handle unstructured data and support complex queries makes it a popular choice for a variety of use cases in industries such as e-commerce, finance, and healthcare.

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