Here is How to Improve Your Creativity, According to Rick Rubin

Frameworks and lessons you can use to enhance your creativity.

Al Roman
The Fresh Writes


Photo by James Owen on Unsplash

I came across Rick Rubin for the first time while watching the "Black Album" documentary by Jay Z. My first impression of him was of a guru for his long beard and monk-like attitude.

Rick Rubin is a prolific Producer who has worked with various artists and produced 1000+ records. In 2007, Rubin was called "the most important producer of the last 20 years" by [MTV].

After watching 12+ hours of his interviews. Here are some lessons you can use to improve your creative work:

1. Be Open-Minded and Adaptable

One of Rubin's strengths is his ability to be open-minded and adaptable. He is not afraid to experiment with new ideas and approaches and is always willing to try something different. This openness has allowed him to work with various artists and styles and helped him develop a unique, fresh, and timeless style.

You can see this in the song [Walk This Way] by Rum DMC and Aerosmith. He was initially criticized, and some thought this collaboration was not a good idea. Yet he proves them wrong.

2. Change Your Environment



Al Roman
The Fresh Writes

I write about topics that interest me. Currently, those topics are Stoicism, Self-Development and Copywriting. Learn more. 👇🏼