How to Make Better Decisions for Increased Productivity: Techniques for Weighing Options and Choosing the Best Course of Action

The Power of Decisiveness: Practical Techniques for Making Effective Decisions to Enhance Productivity and Achieve Success.

John Bradley
The Fresh Writes
9 min readApr 8, 2023


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I. Introduction

Making a decision is the process of choosing a course of action from among several alternatives to solve a problem or achieve a goal.

Decision-making is a critical aspect of our daily lives, and it plays a vital role in our personal and professional success.

In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive world, making quick and effective decisions is essential for success.

Good decision-making leads to increased productivity, better outcomes, and improved performance.

On the other hand, poor decision-making can result in wasted time, lost opportunities, and negative consequences.

In this article, we will discuss techniques for making better decisions that will help increase productivity.

We will cover the steps involved in decision-making, techniques for weighing options, choosing the best course of action, common mistakes to avoid, and more.

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to make better decisions and achieve your goals efficiently.

II. Steps for Better Decision Making

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To make better decisions that increase productivity, you can follow these five steps:

A. Define the Problem

The first step in making a good decision is to clearly define the problem you are trying to solve.

This involves identifying the issue, understanding the context and constraints, and setting a specific goal.

B. Gather Relevant Information

Once you have defined the problem, the next step is to gather relevant information that will help you understand the situation better.

This may involve researching, consulting with experts, or seeking feedback from stakeholders.

C. Identify Possible Options

With a clear understanding of the problem and relevant information, you can now generate a range of possible options.

Brainstorming, mind mapping, and other creative techniques can help you generate a wide range of ideas.

D. Evaluate the Options

After generating options, the next step is to evaluate each one based on its pros and cons, feasibility, and potential impact.

This will help you determine which options are most likely to achieve your goal and have the highest potential for success.

E. Make the Decision

Once you have evaluated the options, you can make the decision that best fits your goals and constraints.

It’s important to take action and implement the decision in a timely manner to achieve the desired outcome.

III. Techniques for Weighing Options

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To effectively evaluate options, here are four techniques you can use:

A. Pros and Cons

One of the simplest and most common techniques for weighing options is to make a list of the pros and cons of each option.

This helps you to see the advantages and disadvantages of each option and compare them to make a decision.

B. Cost-Benefit Analysis

Cost-benefit analysis is a technique that helps you to evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each option.

It involves identifying and quantifying the costs and benefits of each option and comparing them to determine which option provides the most value.

C. SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a tool that helps you to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of each option.

This technique helps you to identify the internal and external factors that may affect the success of each option.

D. Decision Matrix

The decision matrix is a technique that helps you to prioritize and compare options based on multiple criteria.

It involves identifying the criteria that are most important and assigning weights to each criterion.

Then, you evaluate each option based on the criteria and calculate a total score for each option.

By using these techniques, you can gain a deeper understanding of each option and make an informed decision that best fits your goals and constraints.

IV. Choosing the Best Course of Action

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To choose the best course of action after evaluating options, here are four considerations to keep in mind:

A. Trust Your Intuition

While evaluating options, it’s essential to listen to your intuition and trust your instincts.

Your gut feeling can often guide you toward the best decision based on your past experiences and knowledge.

B. Consider the Consequences

Every decision has consequences, and it’s essential to consider the potential positive and negative consequences of each option.

Consider the short-term and long-term effects of each option and evaluate how they align with your goals.

C. Think Long-Term

When choosing the best course of action, it’s crucial to consider the long-term implications of your decision.

While a certain option may provide immediate benefits, it may not be the best choice in the long run.

It’s essential to think about how your decision will impact your future.

D. Prioritize and Take Action

Once you have weighed your options and chosen the best course of action, it’s essential to prioritize and take action.

Create a plan of action, set deadlines, and assign responsibilities to ensure that your decision is implemented efficiently and effectively.

By considering these four factors, you can choose the best course of action that aligns with your goals, maximizes productivity, and delivers positive outcomes.

V. Common Mistakes to Avoid

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When making decisions, there are some common mistakes you should avoid:

A. Analysis Paralysis

One common mistake is getting stuck in analysis paralysis, where you spend too much time analyzing options and gathering information without taking action.

This can result in missed opportunities, wasted time, and lost productivity.

B. Relying Too Much on Emotions

While intuition and emotions can be valuable tools in decision-making, relying too much on emotions can cloud your judgment and lead to biased decisions.

It’s important to balance your emotions with logical analysis to make the best decisions.

C. Neglecting the Importance of Time

Time is a valuable resource, and neglecting its importance can lead to missed opportunities and decreased productivity.

It’s important to set realistic deadlines, prioritize options, and take action in a timely manner to ensure the best outcome.

D. Not Considering Different Perspectives

Failing to consider different perspectives can result in a narrow-minded decision that doesn’t take into account important factors.

It’s essential to seek input from stakeholders, colleagues, or experts to gain different viewpoints and ensure that your decision is well-informed.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can make better decisions that increase productivity and deliver positive outcomes.


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VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, making better decisions is crucial for increasing productivity and achieving your goals.

By following the steps of defining the problem, gathering relevant information, identifying options, evaluating options, and making the decision, you can make informed choices.

To effectively weigh options, you can use techniques such as pros and cons, cost-benefit analysis, SWOT analysis, and decision matrix.

These tools can help you gain a deeper understanding of each option and make a well-informed decision.

When choosing the best course of action, it’s important to trust your intuition, consider the consequences, think long-term, and prioritize and take action.

By avoiding common mistakes such as analysis paralysis, relying too much on emotions, neglecting the importance of time, and not considering different perspectives, you can make better decisions that increase productivity and deliver positive outcomes.

In implementing these steps and techniques, it’s important to remember that decision-making is a skill that can be developed and improved over time.

With practice, you can become more effective at making decisions that lead to greater productivity and success.

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John Bradley
The Fresh Writes

I write about personal development, affiliate marketing and productivity. Let's inspire each other