Latest Features of Quarkus, Spring Boot, and Micronaut

Samuel Catalano
The Fresh Writes
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2023

In the world of Java frameworks, Quarkus, Spring Boot, and Micronaut have been making waves with their latest releases. Let’s dive into the new features they offer.

Quarkus 3.2.0

Quarkus 3.2.0 is the first of the now-announced Long Term Support releases of Quarkus. Here are some more details about the major changes in this release:

  • Build time analytics: This new feature provides insights into how Quarkus is used, helping developers optimize their applications.
  • Security: Several new features have enhanced the security layer, improving the overall security of applications built with Quarkus.
  • Platform — Quarkus CXF: This feature ports Apache CXF to Quarkus, allowing developers to leverage the power of Apache CXF in their Quarkus applications.
  • QuarkusComponentTest: This experimental feature simplifies the testing of CDI components and mocking of their dependencies.

Spring Boot 3

Spring Boot 3 introduces several new features:

  • GraalVM Native Image Support: With this feature, Spring Boot 3 now supports GraalVM native images, allowing developers to create lightweight, high-performance standalone executables.
  • Log4j2 enhancement: Log4j2 includes a few incremental improvements, enhancing the logging capabilities of Spring Boot applications.
  • Improved @ConstructorBinding Detection: This improvement makes detecting and binding constructor parameters easier for Spring.
  • Micrometer Updates: These updates provide enhanced metrics collection capabilities.
  • Prometheus Support: With this feature, Spring Boot applications can now export metrics to Prometheus, a popular open-source monitoring system.

Micronaut 3.5.0

Micronaut 3.5.0 introduces several new features:

  • GraalVM 22.1.0 support: The Micronaut framework now supports the latest GraalVM version, enabling developers to create native images of their Micronaut applications.
  • Incremental Compilation for Gradle Builds: This change avoids re-running the annotation processors on each change to an annotated type, speeding up build times.
  • Micronaut Data: Micronaut Data 3.4.0 includes Micronaut 3.5.0 and supports Postgres enums for JDBC and Pagination for reactive repositories and specifications.
  • Turbo Integration: Micronaut Views adds an integration with Turbo — the heart of Hotwire. This allows developers to create fast and efficient web applications.
  • New Module: Micronaut MicroStream: MicroStream is a native Java object graph storage engine. With this new module, developers can leverage MicroStream in their Micronaut applications.


These frameworks continue to evolve and provide developers with more tools and capabilities to build efficient and robust applications. Stay tuned for more updates in the world of Java frameworks!

Happy coding ;)



Samuel Catalano
The Fresh Writes

Samuel is a Software Engineer from Brazil with main interests in Java, Spring Boot, Quarkus, Microservices, Docker, Databases, Kubernetes, and Clean Code