“Life is Art”- Become the Artist of your life

Payal A Kumar
The Fresh Writes
Published in
5 min readMay 13, 2023

Let’s start with a simple question, what is Art?

Art is a form of creative expression in essence.

Art has the power to inspire, challenge societal norms, evoke emotions, and provide pleasure to our five senses. It can also be deeply personal, reflecting the artist’s inner world, or it can address broader social, cultural, and political issues.

Which instills that Art is a form of expression.

Life can be viewed with a similar lens.

with each individual contributing their unique brushstrokes to the canvas of existence.

The day to day life we live, the way we talk to our children, the way we eat pizza, interact with our surroundings, our house, our clothes are all forms of artistic impressions with a beautiful play between internal and external environments.

From the mundane to the extraordinary, life encompasses moments that tell stories and offer insights, just like the art that surrounds us.

What I’m getting at is that Art is everywhere and since each of us have an authentic way our brush stokes, colours and canvas differentiate us from one another.

Here are a few ways that encompass the saying “Life is Art”

Art in Everyday Life

Have you walked into your fridge lately?

Take a moment to consider your fridge.

Have you ever noticed the subtle beauty it possesses? from fridges that are colour coded, organised, to ones that have prep cooked meals, frozen pizza they all tell a story which can be seen as an artistic expression.

The same can be applied, to the way one organises their book shelfs, laptops, wardrobe. They’re all odes to the person’s unique artistic expression.

Artistic Expression in Personal Beliefs:

Art pieces such as the last supper had religious connotations and beliefs

Similarly, The way we talk, interact, and share our thoughts can be seen as a form of art as well.

Just as an artist uses various techniques and mediums to convey their message, our words and actions shape the narrative of our lives. It is through this artistic expression that we can leave a lasting impact on those we encounter.

We evoke emotions in people, have you ever heard a super passionate person speak? They have the ability to captivate their audience.

The Subjectivity of Art and Life

Art, by its very nature, is subjective. Each person has the right to define and interpret art according to their own perspective.

Similarly, life itself is a deeply personal experience that should not be dictated by external influences.

The true artists of life are those who refuse to compromise their values for societal norms, who rebel against conformity, and create a life that resonates with their authentic selves.

The non cookie cutters of the world, are free to creative art that drives their heart and leave sparks wherever they go

If you see their life it’s the most beautifully flawed art to exist.

Art & life can leave a message

Art & life can be dark

Art & life can be inspiring

Art & life can be elusive

Leaving an Artistic Impression

In a deeper sense, life can be seen as a blank canvas upon which we paint our experiences.

When our journey comes to an end and our souls leave our bodies, what remains are the impressions we have left on others.

The impact we have made and the memories we have created all stay in the minds and hearts of those we have touched.

In a deeper sense you start life with a blank canvas and end with memories of you in others.

To conclude I really believe that

We are the artists of our own lives, endowed with the power to create, rebel, and inspire. By embracing our uniqueness, refusing to conform, and living authentically, we imprint the canvas of existence.

This articles intention is to let you live your daily life with the sense that you’re creating art with your very existence.

As a small activity, I’m sharing an image of a fridge in the comments, why don’t you form a story from it and see how artistic life can be?

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Payal A Kumar
The Fresh Writes

Self Employed, nature preserver (trying!) sharing life journey through my lens, heart & soul and full discloser it can be deep {connect on @payalakumar}