Mobile App User Acquisition Strategies and Tips

Seeniyammal M
The Fresh Writes
Published in
7 min readAug 21, 2023
Mobile app user acquisition

Recent research reveals App Store has 1.96 million apps available for download. On the other hand, 2.87 million Android apps are available for download on the Play Store. The demand for the app market is still growing which leads startups to fight for user attention.

Moreover, in the digital era, user-friendly apps alone can’t bring higher downloads. Only startups that have the right user acquisition strategies able to grab user attention.

In this article, find some effective ways to acquire users for apps. It will also help to identify user acquisition channels for apps. Therefore following these tips, tricks, and best practices, can set a better future for the app. Also, hire experienced app developers in the market to make a greater impact on the app.

What is App User Acquisition?

App user acquisition is the process of attracting and acquiring new users for a mobile app. It involves implementing various strategies and techniques to increase app visibility. Thus generated downloads, installations, and user engagement.

The Goal of User Acquisition for Startups

The goal of app user acquisition is to expand the user base and drive growth for the mobile application.

It includes:

  • Understand the target market
  • Identify the most effective user acquisition channels
  • Implement marketing campaigns
  • Promotional activities
  • Optimization tactics to maximize app visibility

User acquisition strategies often include a combination of organic (unpaid) and paid methods.

Mobile App User Acquisition Strategies and Best Practices

Below are some result-driven effective best practices. It will help startups to reach their target audience strategically.

App Store Optimization (ASO):

According to research, in 2023, the estimated app downloads worldwide will amount to 299 billion. Thus the competition to acquire users for the app is heavy.

The first strategy is to optimize the mobile app to make it discoverable to people. The optimization includes title, description, keywords, screenshots as well as reviews and ratings.

Besides, it is not an easy process, people make some common mistakes while optimizing the app. Here are the tips to keep in mind to optimize the app:

  • Upload a working video of the app in the App Store for better ranking.
  • Research competitor’s keywords, and Unique Selling Points (USP) through their reviews.
  • Measure the App Store Optimization KPIs. It includes conversion rate, visibility, mobile growth, monetization, etc.

If any difficulties to optimize the app, consult with the marketing agency assisting the same.

Paid Advertising:

Paid advertising is the best way to increase the app’s visibility to a large audience. Also, it has different touchpoints that help to engage the existing users.

It involves marketers allocating a budget to promote apps on various platforms. Here are some common paid advertising:

Social Media Advertising:

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer advertising options. Marketers create campaigns based on location and behaviors to reach a target audience. The ads will be in the format of image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and sponsored.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

SEM involves running ads on search engines like Google and Bing. It involves marketers bidding on app-related keywords in the paid Ad campaign. When the users search for those keywords the ad has appeared in the search result. SEM is an effective strategy to attract new users for the mobile application.


Remarketing allows marketers to target existing users of the app. The marketers can display ads to these users while they use other apps. This can be done by tracking pixels or cookies from existing users. Remarketing helps to improve brand awareness and allows users to revisit and install the app.

While running paid ad campaigns, ensure that clear campaign goals, target audience, and allocate budget to achieve the desired results.

Influencer Marketing:

One of the best strategies to win the trust of users is word of mouth from the person they trust. This is what is called influencer marketing.

Reach out to an influencer who has a larger set of audience interested in the app genre to promote it. This increases the credibility and brand awareness of the app. However, here are the tips to get started:

Choose the right platform:

Influencers are available on all platforms. First, decide which platform the target audience will spend more time on and approach accordingly.

Plan the story of the app:

Plan it out with an influencer about the app’s story and how it will add value to customers’ lives.

Pick the influencers carefully:

Choose the influencer who fits the app’s target audience. because of the influencers as the extension of the brand.

Content Marketing:

Content marketing focuses on creating valuable and relevant content to attract a target audience. The goal of content marketing is to build brand awareness and provide value to the audience.

Here are some tips for content marketing strategy:

Know your audience:

This is the most important tip for content marketing. Understand the audience type and interest. after identifying the audience create engaging content that drives results.

Create valuable content:

Helpful and informative content is the key success to convert readers to app users. The content must provide new information or solve a problem for the audience.

Promote your content:

Once created the content publish on different channels to gain traffic. Also, promote the published content on social media and relevant websites to improve the audience.

Content marketing is an effective and long-term user acquisition strategy to acquire users for apps.

Tips to acquire new users for the app

Here is the list of tips used to acquire new users for an app.

Keep the app with trends:

The app industry is evolving. So, stay up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends with the app. This will help both organic and paid user growth.

The best way to keep up with app trends is to hear about the user’s needs & update new features. On the other hand, completely redesign your app to reflect the latest trends.

App Testimonials:

Testimonials help to build trust and credibility with potential new users. 97% of users say that they trust customers’ reviews more than personal recommendations. So testimonials are the best way to get new users.

Event Hosting:

Events are a useful platform to connect with users to experience the brand firsthand. Events like online webinars are the best examples of high user acquisition potential.


With the right strategies and approaches, brands can expect a higher potential of capturing user attention. Focus on the audience, market, and trends. Choose the best marketing strategies to promote the app. In case, need support for the app development process get help from the professional team.

Planning to start the process soon? Develop an app that brings more customers and profits.

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Seeniyammal M
The Fresh Writes

Results driven Digital marketer with a passion for helping businesses grow.