Monolithic or Microservices: Making the Right Choice for Your Modern Application

Madushan Ranasinghe
The Fresh Writes
Published in
8 min readJul 13, 2023

In today’s world, software has evolved to a level that it require to change frequently and things like Scalability, Flexibility and Modularity are more important than ever. So Architecture patterns are introduced to build the applications with more robust, scalable, and adaptable way. Microservices and monolithic are the most well known architectural styles, that have been shaping the development landscape. Before diving into which architecture style is the best, first we need to understand each one in detail.

What is Monolithic Architecture?

Monolithic means single unit, which refers to the architecture approach that an application is built on to a single unified unit. Monolithic architecture refers to a traditional approach where an application is built as a single, cohesive unit. In this technique, all the modules of a utility are tightly coupled and deployed as a single package.

The monolithic architecture was the go-to choice for a long time due to its simplicity and ease of development. Monolithic architecture is considered as more old and traditional approach but in reality many of the businesses in the world are still use and benefit from it.

Monolithic architecture contains three components:

  • Client-side user interface
  • Server-side application
  • Data interface

In a monolithic approach, all the parts are connected to one database and all the functionalities of the application are developed, deployed, and scaled together. This means that any changes or updates to one part of the application require the entire application to be rebuilt and redeployed. To understand more, let's take a look at the pros and cons of monolithic applications.

Advantages of Monolithic Architecture:

  • Streamlined Deployment: Using a Monolithic architecture, the entire application is deployed as a package of single executable directory. This makes the process of development more simple.
  • Development Process: Building an application with a monolithic architecture is generally easier since there is only one code base to manage. Developers can work within a single cohesive environment, making it simpler to understand the overall system and collaborate efficiently.
  • Performance Improvement: Since only one API call is call to perform a function, performance is improved because it reduces inter-service communication overhead and potential latency.
  • Simplified Debugging: monolithic application makes it easier to trace the flow of a request and identify the source of any issues. Developers can follow the execution path within a single code base, and this makes the debugging process much easier.

Disadvantages of Monolithic Architecture:

  • Large Codebase Management: When the application is getting bigger, Monolithic architecture might not be good because it would be complex and time-consuming. This will make coordinating changes across the entire codebase slow, especially when multiple teams are working on different modules simultaneously
  • Scalability Limitation: Scaling the different components of an application is difficult with monolithic architecture. This will lead to resource allocation inefficiencies.
  • Lack of Flexibility: Monolithic architectures are bound by the technologies and frameworks chosen during the initial development.
  • Deployment Complexity: In monolithic approach even when small changes occur in the application development process, entire applications need to be deployed. This can lead to more deployment time, downtime in application and more resource allocation.

It’s important to note that while monolithic architecture has these disadvantages, it may still be a suitable choice for smaller applications with straightforward requirements or when development speed is prioritized over scalability and flexibility. However, as applications grow in complexity and demand, microservices can be introduced. So let's take a look at what microservice architecture provides and if it is better than the monolithic approach.

What is Microservice Architecture?

In 2009, Netflix struggled to handle the increasing demand for its video streaming services. So, they introduced the microservice architecture to the world by becoming the first company to successfully transition from a monolithic to a cloud-based microservice's architecture.

Microservices can be explained as a collection of small independent loosely coupled services that focus eon specific business capability and operate separately from each other while communicating with each other using API and messaging protocols. Each microservice works in a way that they can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently, which allows different team members to work collaterally with adopting different technologies.

The main principles of microservices architecture can be identified as:

  • Service Independence: In microservices, each service operates independently of each other by having its own codebase and database.
  • Decentralize : Microservice teams has autonomy over its service, making decisions related to technology, implementation, and deployment.
  • Communication Between Services: Microservices interact with each other through well-defined APIs, using protocols such as REST or messaging systems.
  • Scalability and Resilience: Microservices architecture allows specific services to scale independently based on demand, improving overall system scalability and fault tolerance.

To understand more about microservice architecture, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of microservice based applications.

Advantages of Microservice Architecture:

  • Agility : Microservice Architecture provides a more agile approach, which makes it easy to work with small teams.
  • Scalability: Using microservice large scale application can be changed in to independent services which enables modularity flexibility. Because of each service having independent services, each can be scaled on its own which make use of resources better.
  • Use Of Diverse Technologies: Microservices allow using different technologies for different services, making it easy to
  • High Reliability: Microservices can deploy changes for a specific service, without the threat of bringing down the entire application.
  • Continuous deployment: Microservices makes continuous development possible because each service is independent. So updates can be done without affecting the other services

Disadvantages of Microservice Architecture:

  • Complexity of Development: With microservices, it requires keeping managing the communication between services , ensuring data consistency across services, and coordinating inter-service dependencies. These can be more complicated and challenging in development process.
  • Increased Network Complexity: Communication between services in a microservice's architecture typically happens over a network, introducing potential latency and network-related issues.
  • Lack of standardization: Common platform is needed because of need to monitor and log the application.
  • Infrastructure cost: rather than having a single server, microservice require more resources due to having independent services, which makes it more costly.

Understanding the application requirement is essential to carefully evaluate advantages and disadvantages of using microservices in development. While microservice offer services like scalability, flexibility, and modularity, they come with additional complexity and challenges that need to be managed effectively for successful implementation.

In conclusion, It can be said that the choice between microservices and monolithic architecture depends on the business requirement and complexity, speed, future adaptability of the project.

Monolithic applications offer simplicity, ease of development, and better performance in certain cases. It is suitable for smaller projects with straightforward requirements. On the other hand, microservices architecture provides scalability, flexibility, modularity, and fault isolation. Microservices architecture is a better choice for complex projects where these facts are important.

While both microservices and monolithic applications have their of advantages and disadvantages, specific architecture choice is one of the most important one to make in development process.

Thank you for reading this, hope you find this article helpful, and I look forward to sharing more with you soon. If you have any specific questions or topics that you would like me to cover, please let me know!

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Madushan Ranasinghe
The Fresh Writes

Engineering Undergraduate who loves to explore new technologies.