Publishing my first eBook: An Autobiography on Overcoming Adversity

TJ. Podobnik, @dorkamotorka
The Fresh Writes
Published in
7 min readFeb 13, 2023


In today’s rapidly changing world, finding your place and starting your career can feel overwhelming, with increasing competition and numerous decisions to make. The path toward success can be daunting, and even in the early stages of university studies, you might already be feeling the pressure to make the right decisions. Whether it’s choosing the right Bachelor’s or Master’s program, studying abroad, or entering the job market, each decision you make can impact your future. It’s normal to feel uncertain or unsure at times, but it’s essential to remember that not all decisions are permanent, and with determination and the right mindset, you can create the career you desire. Therefore I decided to write a book and share with you my story.

Book Cover

This book provides practical guidance and support to help you make informed decisions about your future. Whether you’re thinking about university or searching for your first job, this book covers essential topics based on my personal experiences and lessons learned. From tips on how to balance your responsibilities to advice on studying abroad and preparing for job interviews, this book is the ultimate resource for ambitious, motivated youth on their journey toward personal and professional fulfillment.

My Story, in short

Growing up, I was always drawn to sports, particularly volleyball. My dream was to become a professional athlete one day. But the ugly truth in volleyball is that financial success was only achievable at the highest level. And at some point, I started to realize I might never be able to achieve in volleyball what I planned to. This pressured me to decide whether I want to continue playing volleyball or should I try and improve myself in a different activity or academic field. Should I quit volleyball, the only thing I know and I’m good at? What if I get injured? Should I pursue a university degree? What should I study? What if I fail? What are the odds? What if I don’t like it? What will people think of me?

Fast forward 6 years, and I’m now a Cloud Architect at Prewave in Vienna, Austria. In my role, I delve deep into the intricacies of supply chain operations, using my expertise and innovative solutions to identify and mitigate any potential risks. My work is not just about technology, but about helping businesses thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. At the same time, I’m finishing my master’s thesis in Computer Science and Information Technology at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology in Ljubljana, with a focus on optimizing container deployments in FaaS and Serverless environments. I still play volleyball as a hobby and it brings me immense joy and satisfaction.

The Writing Process

My motivation for writing this book stems from my belief that our legacy, what we pass down to future generations, is a crucial aspect of being human. To create this book, I spent approximately 160 hours researching and compiling my thoughts and experiences into 45 pages and over 15,000 words. While I delve into my personal journey and the decisions that shaped my life, I aim to keep the narrative concise and provide readers with valuable insights and guidance.

As an experienced Medium blogger, writing for extended periods comes naturally to me, which was an asset in the writing process. I believe that the ability to tell stories and inspire others to do the same is one of the greatest skills a person can possess. Over the past three weeks, I dedicated 8–10 hours each day to finalizing the book, including selecting the right cover images, editing the text, and incorporating feedback from others. I received feedback from four people who reviewed my story, which helped to improve the book greatly.

The significance of this book lies in the experiences and mistakes I share, rather than just expressing my emotions. While I do inject some subjectivity and emotions into the book, as my perspective and mental fortitude have guided me through life’s challenges, I focus primarily on helping others succeed. I have personally re-read the book ten times, and each time I feel more confident in its message and impact. I may not be a best-selling author, but I am confident that by being transparent and honest in my autobiography, I can provide value to others.

Marketing and Promotion

I have been promoting my book through my social media platforms, with plans to further expand its reach. I initially targeted Instagram, as most of my followers are around my age and I believe they are my target audience. One week prior to publication, I started posting about the book on Instagram stories, sharing it with friends and family, and sending an email to those who I believed would find value in it. I also asked them to share the book on their social media in the future.

As a first-time author, I wasn’t sure about pricing my book, so I conducted a poll on Instagram, which received 300 votes and gave me valuable insight into the perceived value of the book. Along with the poll, I provided information about the book to help potential readers make informed decisions.

Instagram story — poll results

In the coming weeks, I plan to post about the book on LinkedIn and have already added the link to my Medium and Instagram bio. I am selling the book through Gumroad, which offers a user-friendly interface and allows me to set up my own online shop for future digital content. I also plan to sell the book on Amazon KDP in the future, but for now, it can be purchased through the following link:

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TJ. Podobnik, @dorkamotorka
The Fresh Writes

SRE at Prewave | Technical Writer-Editor | Researcher at the University of Ljubljana | Linkedin: