Thawing Love: Overcoming Fear

Ghulam Mustafa Shoaib
The Fresh Writes
Published in
1 min readJan 2, 2023
Image Credit: Istock

Frozen love, a heart so cold
Locked away, never to be told
Fear of losing, a constant dread
Holding on, but feeling led

To a path of loneliness and pain
Hoping love will thaw and regain
The passion and fire it once knew
But fear holds on, a tight grip too

So love remains frozen in time
A statue of emotions, unable to climb
Out of the icy prison it’s trapped in
Hoping for a chance to begin again

But fear holds on, a constant fear
Of losing what we hold dear
So love remains frozen, unable to grow
Trapped in a cycle, to and from

But perhaps one day, fear will let go
And love will thaw, a warm flow
Embracing the chance to start anew
Leaving fear behind, a fresh point of view

Frozen love, a heart now free
Able to love and be loved, finally able to see
The beauty of love and all it can bring
Leaving fear behind, a new beginning.

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