The Matrix: How Do You Escape From It?

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The Fresh Writes
Published in
6 min readMar 13, 2023
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Most of us have watched The Matrix movie, right? we all thought it was cool but kinda confusing, what we all didn’t know was the message it hid, I’ll be going through every single information possible to help you know what it is and help you TRY to escape it’s gravitational pull.

What is The Matrix?

A simulation of what we understand as real..the matrix is the people that control us, the ones that control our actions, every penny you spent was probably spent because you needed something that you wouldn’t actually get me?

Let me ask you something, have you ever turned on the tv? the obvious, yes, yes you did, have you watched a dating or love show? or just any kind of shows? you’ll see people kissing and sleeping with each other, you think to yourself “Oh if the shows say it’s a normal thing,if they say that giving your body to 20 different people is normal and considered funny then I guess it’s fine if I do it, right?” But the truth is it has…


There will be consequences to what you did, such as committing a sin or harming the other person, people are sold a lie that they must work for someone while they can work for themselves and triple their money, Yes, you can become the next millionaire from working home, using just your internet and phone/computer, you don’t need 12 years of wasting your life trying to be an engineer or lawyer or whatever, leave it to somebody else, we have many engineers, trust me at least 20 millions engineers are unhired for no reasons given, the creative impotency virus has infected almost everybody.

How to escape from it:

Realizing that you are a slave is the first step to freedom, how to escape? here are a few ways:

  1. Break the shackles of dogmatic religion: I’m not saying “Don’t have any religious beliefs” I’m saying you need to pick the right one, most of them were “rephrased” by much higher people.

2. Stop giving your power away to external authority: Most people say think with your mind and not your heart, but if your mind is already corrupted by their lies, then you must use your heart, your feelings hold the truth, they’re the hardest thing to manipulate

3. Question the dominant economic system: Capitalism, self explanatory.

4. Detach yourself from consumerism: own less, be a traveller,

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5. Beware of the media: Don’t give in and do not trust anything until you deeply think about it and do researches, the media will always try to put you down, it’ll give you ads, it’ll recommend you lots of videos to entertain you and keep your brain DEAD.

6. Choose your food carefully: Eat what is actually good, not tastes good, I’m not saying be vegan or not, the foods you eat define you, if you eat a slice of pizza I’ll know that you’re weak but managable, if you eat a whole ass pizza box with chips and pepsi, then I know that you’re a hopeless case, eat HEALTHY.

7. Read eye-opening books: Books or internet books, not much of a difference, but you’ll be more focused on the real book, books could change your life to better or worse depending on which kind of books you read.

8. Develop mindfulness: You know nothing, you have no knowledge of anything, begin from scratch, accept anything that happens to you but do NOT forget it, use it to your advantage, do not attach yourself to anything or anybody, that’s a big no, be patient, patience is indeed the key, but patience without action is pure stupidity.

Be financially free:

Being financially free means you will have zero worries, nothing to stop you, nobody will say no to money, you don’t have to worry about school, the future, the past, nothing at all, you can buy anything you want, if you go to a restaurant you can purchase whatever it is you want, many already financially free people will give you advice, learn from them, observe every word and understand it deeply, it’ll make a difference in your whole empty life.


The most valuable currency in the world is the currency of human attention, if you can get the attention of at least one human then you could get the attention of hundreds and you could make a few coins off of it.

Do not waste your time, a single second could make you a rich-man or change the whole course of your life.’

I provided you with all the information, planted the idea within your head, and it is up to you if you give birth to that idea to make something in real life.

You’re on the TV, entertain or do something useful, we’re watching, you will be rewarded.

You’re Dead, Wake up.

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Thanks for reading.Happy learning 😄

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