TikTok: The Death Of Society.

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The Fresh Writes
Published in
4 min readMar 7, 2023
Photo by Google

I think we all know what TikTok is, many of you probably already have it but don’t know how badly it will and it did affect you in many bad ways, I will go through it all in this article, maybe I’ll help release you from this mind-prison.

How TikTok will affect you:

So basically, let’s say this is a normal day in your life, you’re mindlessly scrolling through TikTok seeing the newest trends and dances, obviously you spend hours just looking at your phone like a zombie, so you decide to check your how much time you spent on TikTok, it says 50 hours a month! You spent at least two days doing nothing but watching a girl dancing to a new stupid song, now you feel terrible..you could have done lots of things and accomplished many tasks in the time you wasted on TikTok..

How to free your mind from this prison:

  1. Start by deleting TikTok and any other apps like it, Instagram and twitter..etc.., this will make your phone less relevant to you and you’ll use it for less time than you’d expect.
  2. Workout: try to find a hobby or something to do, if you have anything that you’re supposed to do but you keep saying “Oh I’ll do it tomorrow" then don’t say that and do it now, you’re free now, don’t be lazy.
  3. Make money: Maybe try making money? Use your phone the way it is supposed to be used, start writing to make money, do services on Fiverr, grow your business until you become financially free, you won’t regret it.
  4. Don’t give in: I know it’s tempting to open TikTok or just keep watching YouTube Shorts, they are designed to entertain you and keep your mind busy from the reality, you’re not weak, I’m not gonna tell you that it’s gonna be easy because it’s not, action is harder than words, just don’t be lazy because Lazy = Quitter

Countries are taking action:

Many countries are finally banning TikTok, countries like:

  1. India. India imposed a ban on TikTok and dozens of other Chinese apps, including the messaging app WeChat, in 2020 over privacy and security concerns.

2.Taiwan. 3.United States. 4.Canada. 5.European Union. 6.Pakistan. 7.Afghanistan.

They all share the same reason, soon enough TikTok will be banned across all countries.


Don’t waste your precious time on things that will not help you in the future, every second of your time is important and could change the course of your life for better or worse, here are some quotes that you might find to your liking:

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” -Charles Darwin

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” -Carl Sandburg

Thank you for reading, Stay Strong and don’t forget to drop me a Follow so you can encourage me to make more articles, Goodbye.

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