Top Yoga Poses To Deal With Depression and Headaches

Ghulam Mustafa Shoaib
The Fresh Writes
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2022

Yoga is a great way to deal with depression and headaches. It helps open up your muscles, which increases circulation and oxygen flow throughout your body. This can help relieve headaches and depression symptoms like tiredness and low energy levels.

Try these yoga poses to help alleviate the symptoms of headaches and depression.

Yoga is a great way to manage your stress and anxiety and sleep better at night. It’s also one of the best ways to maintain a healthy weight, which can help combat depression and headaches.

Yoga poses are designed with specific purposes in mind: They work on your body, helping you feel better by relieving pain or stress; they help you relax; they improve sleep quality; they build strength in areas where you feel weak (like joints); and so much more!

Happy Baby or Ananda Balasana

In this pose, you’ll be on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and knees beneath the hips. Your back should be in one straight line from head to heels.

The purpose of Happy Baby is to bring muscles that have been dormant for a while back into action and stretch out tight areas in the body. Benefits include increased flexibility, lower back pain relief, improved circulation and blood flow throughout the body (including those pesky headaches!), improved digestion — who doesn’t want better digestion?! It’s also great if you’re recovering from an injury because it helps restore balance between opposing muscle groups while strengthening them at the same time!

To get into this pose: Start by lying down flat on your stomach with both hands behind head pressing onto floor just above shoulder blades (if needed). Lift both legs slightly off floor with feet hip-width apart keeping knees parallel with torso as much as possible without forcing them too far apart so there isn’t any strain on ankles when lifted off floor later down in article here . This will help prevent any injuries which could result from overextending yourself by lifting off surface too quickly which may cause strain upon soft tissue structures such as ligaments/cartilage etc…

Cat-Cow or Marjaryasana-Bitilasana

Cat-Cow is a pose that helps you to release tension in the lower back, hips, and hamstrings. You can also use this exercise for headaches or depression as it stretches out your neck and shoulders too. To perform Cat-Cow, lie flat on your back with both legs extended out in front of you, toes pointing toward each other (this is called Uttanasana). Slowly lift one leg up so that it’s parallel with the floor; resting on top of this foot is another knee bent at 90 degrees. Then fold forward slowly until only your head remains above the ground or until you feel comfortable doing so without straining yourself too much!

Virabhadrasana II or Warrior II Pose

Virabhadrasana II or Warrior II Pose is one of the most challenging poses in yoga. It’s a good pose to do when you have time to spend practicing it because it requires a lot of focus and concentration, but if you don’t have enough time, then this pose can be modified.

For beginners, it’s best to start off with an easy variation that doesn’t require much balance or strength and progress from there onto more difficult variations as your abilities increase over time. For example: If you’re just starting out with this pose and aren’t yet comfortable standing on one leg (the warrior two-legged stance), try doing this as soon as possible after completing Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I) . This will help prepare your body for what’s coming next!

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog

This pose is a great balance exercise and can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. It’s also beneficial for people with neck pain or stiffness.

To do it: Lie on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and feet together so that they point toward the ceiling. Bend knees so that thighs are directly below hips, then lift arms up above shoulders — keeping wrists parallel to one another (don’t let elbows move away from each other). Press back into heels as much as possible without twisting at all; keep core engaged by contracting glutes/thighs while keeping chest lifted as high as possible without straining neck muscles. Hold this position for 1–3 breaths before returning to starting position by lowering arms down until fingertips touch floor again.

Setu Bandhasana or Bridge Pose

In order to get into this pose, you’ll need to find a wall or chair and then place your feet on the ground. Next, lift up one leg and press down through that heel while extending your spine upward toward the ceiling. You can use a strap or towel if necessary for extra support as you hold this position for 30 seconds before switching to the other side.

This pose is great for relieving tension in your hamstrings, hips and lower back because it works so many muscles at once (the obliques) by stretching them out evenly throughout their length rather than just focusing on one area at a time like most other poses do. It also helps relieve headaches because it releases tightness in those areas as well as improving circulation due to its emphasis on breathing deeply through both nostrils while also elevating blood pressure levels slightly above normal levels which helps increase oxygen flow throughout all parts of our bodies including those parts associated with depression symptoms such as lack of motivation/energy etcetera .

Viparita Karani or Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose

In this pose, you’re going to hold onto a folded blanket or towel. Use your hands to support your hips and keep them lifted off the ground. Relax your arms and legs as much as possible while holding onto the object. Make sure that you are fully relaxed in all muscles of your body before starting this pose — your back, shoulders, neck and stomach should be steady throughout this exercise!

Yoga can open up your muscles and help get oxygen flowing through your body so that you can feel better.

Yoga is a great way to relax and get your body moving. It can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression by helping you feel more centered. Yoga poses are also great for relieving headaches and migraines because they open up your muscles so that blood can flow through them better.

You may wonder how yoga could help with depression or headaches when these conditions are rooted in pain.


Yoga is a wonderful way to relieve stress and improve your mood. As you can see, there are many different poses that will help with depression and headaches. The key is to find what works best for you. If you’re still having trouble finding the perfect yoga pose for dealing with depression and headaches, then check out our video below!

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