Write For Us

Amar Balu
The Fresh Writes
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2023

We’re always looking for great content to help reader to use their time effectively while reading the article.

Link to our Publication is :

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash


Here are the topics that we publish,

  • Topics on new technology, trends, gadgets, programming languages, the issues you have faced and how rectified in your domain.
  • Some Interesting facts that are happening across the world related to technology, universe, finance, currencies, health, motivational Articles etc.

Documentation Format

Instructions before you submit:

  • Your name, a biography, and an image of yourself should all be on your Medium profile.
  • You should have a title and a subtitle for your article.
  • Use Medium code blocks with syntax highlighting when adding code snippets.
  • Please include a lovely cover photo that you have permission to use or is a Creative Commons image. We suggest visiting places like Unsplash. Please give credit to the photographer.
  • Emoji usage in text should be kept to a minimum since it can be distracting and difficult for readers to access.
  • Please include a Resources section with any links you provided in your post at the end of your article so that readers may quickly access them.
  • Make sure the article read time is longer than three minutes.

About us

The Fresh Writes wants to be a welcoming community where anybody may read, write, and mentor others.

We strongly invite you to submit an article and participate in The Fresh Writes if you are a member of an under-represented group in technology, travel, finance, or news.

We are seeking clear, practical guidance and think that everyone may benefit from growing together.


When your post is ready, submit a draft via our submission form.

Kindly give us 24 hours to review your article and publish it.

For any queries you can reach out to us through our mail thefreshwrites@gmail.com

We look forward to your submissions and grow together!



Amar Balu
The Fresh Writes

I'm a front-end developer. I love React and Redux, Java, and Data Science. I write code for fun!. Join our publication : https://medium.com/thefreshwrites