Young. Wild. Free

Cheers to the teenage spree.

Sneh Gaurav
The Fresh Writes
4 min readMar 1, 2023


Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

The time when you are happy as hell. The time when you feel most alive and in tune with the world around you. The time when you are content, and at peace with yourself and the world. The time when you don’t even have a clue as to the reason you’re suddenly feeling so happy. The time when nothing seems to be going wrong. The time when you trust others more than you trust yourself. The time when you become more aggressive and petty over small things. The time, when you fall in love with hundreds of people.

The time when the world feels so small and full of possibilities. The time when you feel connected to everyone, and the time when you feel like no one understands you. The time when you are both scared and excited about the future. The time when you realize that life is fragile and that it is too short to not live it to the fullest.

Photo by Alex Guillaume on Unsplash

The time when you find that one person who makes you feel alive, gives you a reason to live, makes you happy, and brings out the best in you. The time when you’ve made ten best friends in the world, but you still choose to spend time with that one particular friend who makes you smile every time you see them.

The time when music relates to your life more than anything. The time when the music takes a backseat to your life and becomes something you enjoy on the side. The time, when you make the excruciating decision to end your life if someone rejects you. The time, when you dream millions of dreams about your perfect partner coming into your life. The time they leave you and your dreams get destroyed.

The time when every happy moment you shared turns into a painful memory. The time when you feel like you can’t even trust yourself anymore. The time when you feel so much pain that you can’t even find the strength to get up from your bed. The time when you feel so helpless and broken that you just want to give up. The time when you can’t even cry anymore, because you don’t feel anything. The time when you just want someone to come and hug you, and tell you that everything will be alright. The time when you just want someone to stay with you, and tell you that you are not alone.

Photo by Alan Labisch on Unsplash

The time, when you drift away in your thoughts and forget the world around you. The time, when you search for someone who can understand you and find solace in their presence. The time, when you feel like you don’t belong to this world and can’t relate to anyone. The time, when you want to run away and be free from all the pain and suffering. The time, when you feel like the whole world is against you, and you can’t do anything about it.

The time, when your heart suddenly splinters into a thousand tiny pieces and breaks apart just because someone has the audacity to call you ugly. The time, when you cry uncontrollably without any reason. The time, when you have to sleep over at your friend’s house because you can’t be alone. The time, when the internet is more important than oxygen. The time, when you start to fall in love with someone by seeing their display picture.

Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

The time, when you let all the tears flow, and you cry your heart out in front of someone who might not understand why you’re so upset, but who promises to always be there for you. The time, when you have no idea what you’re doing. The time, when you don’t realize your skills and talents. The time, when you start existing, rather than living! The time when you start working rather than enjoying the freedom of life. The time when you start living rather than existing!

Dreams, Lies, Tears.

Cheers to the teenage years.



Sneh Gaurav
The Fresh Writes

In this world full of papers, I promise to write you letters.